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{{image url=""}}[[ PhotoRec]] file data recovery

""PhotoRec"" program is available with this TestDisk software package.

**N.B. overwritten data can not be recovered**

# photorec --help
PhotoRec 6.12, Data Recovery Utility, May 2011
Christophe GRENIER <>

Usage: photorec [/log] [/debug] [/d recup_dir] [file.dd|file.e01|device]
photorec /version

/log : create a photorec.log file
/debug : add debug information

PhotoRec searches various file formats (JPEG, Office...), it stores them
in recup_dir directory
File formats recognized:
- Sun/NeXT audio data (.au)
- RIFF audio/video (.avi/.wav)
- BMP bitmap (.bmp)
- bzip2 compressed data (.bz2)
- Source code written in C (.c)
- Canon Raw picture (.crw)
- Canon catalog (.ctg)
- FAT subdirectory
- Microsoft Office Document (.doc)
- Nikon dsc (.dsc)
- HTML page (.html)
- JPEG picture (.jpg)
- MOV video (.mov)
- MP3 audio (MPEG ADTS, layer III, v1) (.mp3)
- Moving Picture Experts Group video (.mpg)
- Minolta Raw picture (.mrw)
- Olympus Raw Format picture (.orf)
- Portable Document Format (.pdf)
- Perl script (.pl)
- Portable Network Graphics (.png)
- Raw Fujifilm picture (.raf)
- Contax picture (.raw)
- Rollei picture (.rdc)
- Rich Text Format (.rtf)
- Shell script (.sh)
- Tar archive (.tar )
- Tag Image File Format (.tiff)
- Microsoft ASF (.wma)
- Sigma/Foveon X3 raw picture (.x3f)
- zip archive (.zip)
.1cd Russian Finance 1C:Enterprise 8
.ani Windows Animated Cursor
.bac Bacula backup
.bim Broadcast Interface Module
.cdl/cdt/cdd Concept Draw
.cow Qemu image
.dbn DriftBox
.dex Dalvik
.dgn Bentley Systems' MicroStation
.dmp Oracle dump file
.e01,e02... Encase files
.emb Wilcom ES
.emka EMKA IOX - Pharmacology & toxicology
.exe 16 bits windows executable (MZ NE)
.freeway Freeway 5 pro
.gm6/gmd Game Maker
.gp5 Guitar Pro 5 files
.icc Color profiles
.idf MIDI Instruments Definition File
.it Impulse Tracker
.jad Java Application Descriptor
.jnb SigmaPlot
.ly LilyPond
.lzo Archive
.mdl Mathlab model
.mem Mnemosyne
.mid MIDI sound file (RIFF format)
.myo Mind Your Own Business
.nds Nintendo DS Game ROM Image
.nsf Lotus Notes
.ogm Ogg data/Theora video
.p65 Page Maker
.pbm/pgm/ppm Netpbm
.pgp Pretty Good Privacy
.psf Print Shop
.pzf GraphPrism 4
.pzh Presto
.qbb Quickbook
.qgs Quantum GIS
.qkt Apple QuickTake 100
.qpw Quattro Pro spreadsheet
.r3d RED camera videos
.rfp RoboForm
.sldprt SolidWorks
.smil Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
.sparseimage Filevault
.sql phpMyAdmin, MySQL and postgreSQL dumps
.svg Scalable Vector Graphics
.tib Acronis
.tod MPEG files
.torrent BitTorrent files
.url Windows Internet Shortcut .url
.vb Visual Basic
.vdi Virtual desktop infrastructure 1.1
.vfb FontLab
.xmp Adobe's Extensible Metadata Platform
.xrns Extended Renoise song
.xoj Xournal
.xpi Mozilla Cross-Platform Install
.wdp JPEG XR
.wtv Windows Media Center TV
See also [[ddrescue]].

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