Revision [31563]

This is an old revision of network wizards made by s243a on 2016-11-12 01:50:37.



Pupy Linux comes with the following network wizards and coresponding startup scripts as summerized in the following table:

Default Network WizardCoresponding Startup Scripts
Pwireless2rc.network_basic, Pwireless2 /etc/rc.d/
snsrc.network_basic, /usr/local/simple_network_setup/
connectwizard*rc.network_basic, /usr/local/simple_network_setup/

1. PWirless
2. Simple Networking Setup (SNS)
3. Frisbee
4. Network Wizard
5. Network Wizard Classic

1. Pwireless2

(Main Article)

Script to lanch the wizard
   chmod 755 /etc/init.d/Pwireless2 #100304
   /etc/init.d/Pwireless2 start #100304
   /usr/local/bin/Pwireless2 > /dev/null 2>&1

2. Simple Networking Setup (sns)

(Main Article)
Summerized by the wizardwizard "connectwizard_2nd" as follows:
This is a simple network setup tool created by BarryK. Not as many features as the Network Wizard, for example requires the network to have a DHCP server (the vast majority of cases). The greatest feature is extreme ease of use. Recommended for most people.

Script to lanch the wizard

3. Frisbee

(Mail Page)
Summerized by the wizardwizard "connectwizard_2nd" as follows:
This is a tool developed by Jemimah. Mostly for wireless connectivity for laptops, but also can handle Ethernet connection. Very good for wireless roaming.

Script to lanch the wizard:

4. Network Wizard (

Summerized by the wizardwizard "connectwizard_2nd" as follows:
This is the most sophisticated tool for network setup in Puppy. It is based on the 'Classic' Network Wizard originally written by BarryK, but greatly enhanced by Dougal, Rarsa, Shinobar and others. It is for both wired (Ethernet) and wireless connectivity, with more configuration features than Frisbee and SNS.

Script to lanch the wizard


5. Network Wizard Classic (net_wiz_classic)

Script to Lanch the Wizard
Summerized by the wizardwizard "connectwizard_2nd" as follows:
The Network Wizard was originally developed by Barry Kauler, with considerable input from others.
Script to lanch the wizard

See Also


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