Revision [24651]

This is an old revision of libtiff made by coolpup on 2012-10-20 05:14:17.



read & write data files encoded with the Tag Image File format

 Support Microsoft Document Imaging: yes
 Support for internal codecs:
  CCITT Group 3 & 4 algorithms:       yes
  Macintosh PackBits algorithm:       yes
  LZW algorithm:                      yes
  ThunderScan 4-bit RLE algorithm:    yes
  NeXT 2-bit RLE algorithm:           yes
  LogLuv high dynamic range encoding: yes

 Support for external codecs:
  ZLIB support:                       yes
  Pixar log-format algorithm:         yes
  JPEG support:                       yes
  Old JPEG support:                   yes
  ISO JBIG support:                   no

  C++ support:                        yes
  OpenGL support:                     yes

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