Wiki source for libstdcplusplus
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~The [[GNU]] Standard ""C++"" Library currently at v3. Included in most Puppy Versions.
~To the versions of ""C++"" libraries use the [[strings]] command:
~%%strings /usr/lib/ | grep GLIBC%%
{{include libstdctable}}
==Also on the wiki==
~[[CPlusPLus C++]]
==Related Webpages==
~[[ libstdc++ homepage]]
~[[ version 'GLIBCXX...' not found thread]]
~The [[GNU]] Standard ""C++"" Library currently at v3. Included in most Puppy Versions.
~To the versions of ""C++"" libraries use the [[strings]] command:
~%%strings /usr/lib/ | grep GLIBC%%
{{include libstdctable}}
==Also on the wiki==
~[[CPlusPLus C++]]
==Related Webpages==
~[[ libstdc++ homepage]]
~[[ version 'GLIBCXX...' not found thread]]