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====9.8 Hotkeys====

Here follows 3 different ways of defining hotkeys

An ##<action>## signal inside the ##<window>## widget gives the most direct hotkey
##<action signal="key-press-event" condition="command_is_true( [ $(( ${KEY_MOD} & 5 )) = 5 ] && [ $KEY_RAW = 0x1b ] && echo true )">Refresh:varDATE</action>##
SHIFT's state is held by 0th bit and CTRL state by 2nd bit of ##$KEY_MOD## variable (?????C?S) , so, in order to read their state correctly, we need to discard the rest of bits by logical AND: ##$(( $KEY_MOD & 5 ))##. If we would want SHIFT alone, it would be ##$(( $KEY_MOD & 1)) = 1##, only CTRL - ##$(( $KEY_MOD & 4 )) = 4## and so on.
see [[]] for more depth.

Menuitems can set both accelerator key and modifier (SHIFT is 1, CTRL is 4 and ALT is 8 ). For a full list of accelerator key values check [[]]
##<menuitem stock-id="gtk-quit" accel-key="0x51" accel-mods="4">##

You can activate buttons by pressing keyboard combinations. simply add the attribute ##use-underline##. If set, an underline in the text indicates the next character should be used for the mnemonic accelerator key.
##<button use-underline="true"><label>_Refresh</label></button>##
The defined char in the ##<label>## + 'alt' key will activate given ##<action>##.

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