Revision [32969]

This is an old revision of gtkdialogDocTips9.7 made by zigbert on 2020-08-05 19:08:59.


HomePage > SoftwareIndex Software Index > SoftwareDevelopment Development > gtkdialog gtkdialog > gtkdialogDocTips Tips and Tricks

9.7 Drag'n drop

Gtkdialog has limited support for drag'n drop. This is what we've learnt by now:

Drag from file browser to <entry> widget.

Move items in list by drag'n drop. (More info in this thread)

Code below line 12 (break command) is activated when user move item in list
ls -1 /usr/share/backgrounds > /tmp/test 
do_something () { Xdialog -info  "Do something with\n$TREE" x 2000 ;} ; export -f do_something 
echo ' 
  <tree headers-clickable="false" reorderable="true"> 
   <input>cat /tmp/test</input> 
   <output file>/tmp/test</output> 
   <action>do_something &</action> 
   <action signal="button-release-event" condition="command_is_true( echo $PTR_Y )">break:</action> 
   <action signal="button-release-event">save:TREE</action> 
   <action signal="button-release-event">activate:BTN_SAVE</action>
  <button visible="false"> 
   <action>cp /tmp/test /tmp/testbackup</action> 
   <action condition="command_is_true([[ $(wc </tmp/test) != $(wc </tmp/testbackup)  && sed \"s/^|*//\" /tmp/testbackup > /tmp/test && echo true )">refresh:TREE</action> 
</vbox>' | gtkdialog -s

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