Revision [32965]

This is an old revision of gtkdialogDocTips9.15 made by zigbert on 2020-08-04 21:40:32.


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9.15 Use a splash screen

A splash screen could be useful if the startup time is increasing. The delay may occur for 2 reasons. There are several startup processes, or the gtkdialog code is heavy. The latter case makes it necessary to close the splash-window first when the main window is drawn on screen. We use the <window> signal show to determine when the splash should be closed.

echo 0 > /tmp/splash
export SPLASH='
<window title="PCC" icon-name="gtk-preferences" resizable="false" decorated="false">'"
 <pixmap><input file>/usr/share/midi-icons/configuration48.png</input></pixmap>
 <text height-request=\"50\" use-markup=\"true\"><label>\"<b><span size='"'x-large'"' color='"'orange'"'>Puppy Control Center</span></b>\"</label></text>"'
 <progressbar visible="false">
  <input>while [ "$M" != "100" ]; do M=`cat /tmp/splash`; echo $M; usleep 500000; done</input>
  <action type="exit">Ready</action>
gtkdialog -p SPLASH --center &

sleep 2 #well, this is to simulate some startup processes....

export GUI='
<window title="PCC" icon-name="gtk-preferences" width-request="800">
  <text height-request="200">
   <label>Hello, welcome to the Puppy Control Center</label>
	<button ok></button>
 <action signal="show">echo 100 > /tmp/splash</action>

gtkdialog -p GUI

Mave has made an attempt to replace yaf-splash using gtkdialog. Yaf-splash doesn't support UTF-8, and has given some issues when translation to some languages. Read more at

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