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====9.11 Override window manager====
- skip taskbar, sticky, layer, border

**Window on top**
echo -n '<window type-hint="6" window-position="1">
<edit justification="2" cursor-visible="false">
This window stays on top
Has no window decoration
Can not be resized
Can not be moved
</window>'|gtkdialog -s

**JWM - specific**
This is how to override default settings in your JWM configuration.

Your gtkdialog gui must be called with the ##--class parameter##
##gtkdialog --class=APPLET -f myfile##

Then this code must be in your jwm configuration file - ##$HOME/.jwmrc## (to be set permanently, it must be added to ##/etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc##)
- ##nolist## does avoid your app showing up in the taskbar.
- ##sticky## shows your app on all desktops.
- ##noborder## is equal to the gtkdialog attribute ##<window decorated="false">##.
- ##layer:n## defines if other windows should cover your app, or if it should be on top. below, normal or above.

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