Revision [30428]

This is an old revision of dpup made by darkcity on 2014-10-30 16:05:23.



Homepage > PuppyVersionIndex Puppy Version > Dpup



Dpups are created with Debian package compatibility, usually using the Woof Puppy creation tool.

Newer Versions
Dpup 487 - glibc 2.19 with kernel by dejan555

Older Versions
GuyDog Guy Dog 5.0.1 cutting edge Dpup Iguleder thread
Exprimo Exprimo 5.X. SMP multicore optimized versionPemasu thread
Exprimo Exprimo 5.X.10.2 SMP multicore optimized versionPemasu thread
NextPuppy NextPuppy 5.02 lightweight version Iguleder thread
Exprimo Exprimo 5.X.15 - pemasu thread
Exprimo Exprimo 5.X.9 based on GuyDog Pemasu thread
Exprimo Exprimo 5.X.7 based on NextPuppy pemasu thread
dpup485 DPup 485 revised version of DPup 484dejan555-
dpup484 DPup 484 - gposil -
KDPUP KDE KDE 3.5.10 + dpup 484 beta 4 dejan555 thread
DPup482 Debian - Lenny repositories- -
DPup477 Debian - Sid repositories, retro version - -
DPup DPup Squeezed Puppy 4.99.2 - BarryK Announcement
InsidiousPuppy based on Squeeze Iguleder -
Squeeze based on DPup Squeezed Puppy Iguleder -

Debian made Puppy like (puppyfied)
DebianDog - forum thread - Debian Wheezy Live CD shaped to look like Puppy
PussyLinux - Cut down version of Debian by sickgut. Designed to be lightweight, like Puppy. 100% 'apt get' compatibility with Debian.

CE1 - Community Edition 1 under development

DebianDog thread - Debian puppyfied

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