[[Homepage]] > [[PuppyVersionIndex Puppy Version]] {{image url="http://users.tpg.com.au/01micko/other/xo.png" title="xo_logo" alt="logo"}} ======XOpup====== ====@@ **XOpup-2.2 has been released.**@@==== == @@{{color text="New" c="red"}} [[http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=557252#557252 make any Puppy run on OLPC]]@@== == @@{{color text="The full Puppy-for-the-XOs building tools can be found in" c="black"}} [[https://github.com/mavrothal/Pox_git Github]]@@== @@{{image url="http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6064/6058920248_f17a69b75b_z.jpg" title="xo_scrn" alt="screeny"}}@@ **XOpup** is a Puppy linux 5.1.1 derivative that supports the One Laptop Per Child hardware. It supports the XO-1 and the XO-1.5 laptops XOpup was developed by //mavrothal// and //01micko// //Mitch Bradley// (OLPC) was instrumental in booting puppy on the XO //Paul J Fox// (OLPC) was critical in debugging and modifying power management and keyboard function in XOpup. //Anna// and //Eddie Owens// helped with the sound at the initial steps of the project, and //ttuuxxx// had many helpful comments and encouragement during the difficult start. **XOpup-2.2** ([[http://ftp.cc.uoc.gr/mirrors/linux/XOpup/XOpup-2.2.tar.gz XOpup-2.2.tar.gz]] md5sum: a05a34ba7ddac575cba785eedcad5479) is an Update of XOpup-2.1 The main changes compared to XOpup-2.1 are: - New Frisbee network manager as default. Is much more user friendly and flexible - New power management that properly detects external devices (mice etc) - New initrd/init and rc.sysinit scripts for faster boot (by 10-20 sec, depending on the setup). - The traditional boot sequence is also available - New kernels and Aufs-utils, for a more puppy-like experience - Kernel devel and headers are now provided as pets instead of RPMs - Proper detection of the XO keyboard via udev - New XO-1.5 chrome and XO-1 geode 2.11.12 video drivers - Addition of an alternative /boot/olpc.fth that may improve card detection with some "difficult" SDcards - New Right-click functionality - Addition of 7z and xz, compression/decompression utilities - Addition of yad/zenity infrastucture - New devices to match F14/OLPC-11.x.x builds - New reset-touchpad app that may improve erratic behavior of the XO-1 touchpad - New gecko media player plugin for in-browser movie playback - New wallpapers, XOpup logo and PuppyPin - New desktop icon setup app - Updates of: Gnome media player, sfs_load, wallpaper, snapmerge, Psync, Pmusic, Pschedule, Pfind, pupRadio, you2pup, gtkdialog, bash, transmission, squashfs-tools-4.2, xarchive and repo data lists - Fix Quickpet to download SFSs when booting from an SDcard - The 2.6.31 kernel version for the XO-1 is not included anymore in the download, as Frisbee looks more reliable. However, the 2.6.31 kernel for xopup-205, is still available as pet. - Spanish localization is not included anymore in the download due to the absence of any interest :-\ However the one from XOpup-2.1 is mostly OK and is available as a tar.gz archive. - More under the hood fixes. See the [[http://ftp.cc.uoc.gr/mirrors/linux/XOpup/Docs/changelog.html#2.2 change log]] for the changes from XOpup-2.2.RC (xopup-204) XOpup-specific pets and tar.gzs can be found at: http://ftp.cc.uoc.gr/mirrors/linux/XOpup/XOpets/ __Do see__ the [[http://ftp.cc.uoc.gr/mirrors/linux/XOpup/Announce_XOpup-2.2.html Build Announcement]] for features, instructions, issues etc ---- **XOpup-2.1** ([[http://ftp.cc.uoc.gr/mirrors/linux/XOpup/Older_builds/XOpup-2.1.tar.gz XOpup-2.1.tar.gz]] md5sum: 800b9351753fe792a5e14c5c39e0fe16 ) is a slimmed down version of XOpup-1.0 (and Opup-2.0) and now supports equally well the XO-1 and the XO-1.5 The main changes compared to XOpup-1.0 are: - Addition of Openbox/fbpanel window manager that is screen rotation aware - Screen, touchpad, Dpad and arrow-keys rotation - New XO-1.5 chrome video driver that supports rotation - XO camera support through the Guvcview application - A first attempt of a Spanish localization package (included in the download) - New olpc-2.6.35-based kernels for both the XO-1 and the XO-1.5 (a new 2.6.31 kernel for the XO-1 is also provided) - Jamesbond's new snapmergepuppy that dramatically decreases savefile and shutdown times - Shinobar's new "sfs_load on the fly" for loading and unloading sfs without reboot. - External monitor/projector, firewall and bluetooth support - Improvements in the puppyfile detection and the shutdown process - Better power management - Updated XO-version-specific Quickpet and PPM repo data - Updated Flash player - Trio's you2pup-2.1.2. Very handy, particularly on the XO-1 - New XOpup-specific desktop backgrounds - "xopup"-based instead of "lupu"-based SFS names - Many more updates and under-the-hood changes. - See the [[http://ftp.cc.uoc.gr/mirrors/linux/XOpup/Docs/changelog.html#2.1 change log]] for the changes from XOpup-2.0. See the [[http://ftp.cc.uoc.gr/mirrors/linux/XOpup/Older_builds/Announce_XOpup-2.1.html Build Announcement]] for features, instructions, issues etc ---- **XOpup-1.0** is the first stable release of XOpup [[http://ftp.cc.uoc.gr/mirrors/linux/XOpup/Older_builds/XOpup-1.0.tar.gz XOpup-1.tar.gz ]] (md5sum: 2ae743e6bb5da4d327049bb7d3c8b85b) Check out the XOpup-1 [[http://ftp.cc.uoc.gr/mirrors/linux/XOpup/Older_builds/Announce_XOpup-1.0.html Build Announcement]] for prerequisites, features, info and known issues. ---- [[http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=60155 Forum Thread]] ---- ==Categories== CategoryPuppies