Revision [23671]

This is an old revision of WikiStyleGuide made by darkcity on 2012-09-03 08:09:17.


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Wiki Style Guide

Style guide aims

H3 title may only be used once at top of article.
==== Title ====

H5 size titles to designate article sections
== Section ==

Use bold to designate article sub-section

Headers can be directly link to for example:

Breadcrumbs are used at the top of the articles. They point to index pages and help give the wiki structure. If a page has no other pages linking to it and no category, then a user might not find it. Think about which index the page belongs to. For example, media player software would go on the Multimedia software index, code:
[[HomePage]] > [[SoftwareIndex Software Index]] > [[SoftwareMultimedia Multimedia]]

Articles should include a Category footer, for example
(line return here)
(line return here)

Paragraph Indents
Paragraphs should come immediately under the title and be indented using a tab, use tab key or ~ character. An exception is categories (and tables while the Wikka bug persists).

Try to link internal to the Wiki where possible. This reduces jumping back and forth between websites. At the end of a pages relevant internal links are often listed under Also on the Wiki and relevant external links Related Websites.

If it isn't obvious from the url where a link goes please provide this information. An example is forum links, as they only show a number and not the thread's or post's title. Example:
[[ Help needed writing the Wiki thread]]

Provide a direct link or link to where it can be downloaded. It is help to provide the version in the link, and comment who the packager is. Software icons go above the title and may point to an external link, for example:
qtractor icon
{{image url="" link="" title="qtractor icon" alt="qtractor icon"}}

Used for data or to create columns. There is currently an error in Wikka that breaks the formatting if a table in indented. Here an example of table code:
Header 1Header 2
Cell 1Cell 2

|=|Header 1|=|Header 2||
||Cell 1||Cell 2||

Red text
Should be used for warnings and alerts and not in titles either.
{{color text="Warning:" c="red"}}

Use underline to call attention to text within the article (not in titles).

Bullet Points
Use a list to place bullets on special points within articles.
	- This is a bulleted point

CamelCase is used by Wikka to denote an internal link. Pages that don't have CamelCase style names need the double square bracket, for example:

Sometimes you don't want to link to a page, use the double quotes

If a page doesn't exist but would be useful in the future - leave the link in place, this will remind people that the page is desired.

Avoid HTML in articles, not all editors are proficient with it. Most things can be done in wiki code and the Wikka software is under active development. The double quotes is used to denote html, double quotes are also used to prevent unwanted linking, see above.

Pictures and graphics
Use a title text and alt text. This enables people who use screen readers to better understand articles.
filetype icon
{{image url="" title="filetype icon" alt="filetype icon"}}

Text and graphics are preferred for articles
Many people either do not have access to broadband or can’t afford it. Video is of no use to people using Screen Readers.

Vertically tall graphics should be placed on the right
So text may flow up and left of them. Vertically short graphics may simply be placed normally and thus appear on the left. The code below is taken from the Dpup article article
{{image class="right" url="" title="Dpup screenshot" alt="Dpup screenshot"}}{{image url="" title=" logo" alt=" logo"}}

Example, coming: soon
{{color text="color" c="teal"}} {{color text="color text" c="fuchsia"}}

Also on the Wiki

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