[[HomePage]] > [[ComponentHowTo Components and HowTos]] > [[GuiIndex GUI]] {{image url="http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?mode=attach&id=47602" title="wbar" alt="wbar" width="200"}} ====""Wbar""==== ~**""Wbar""** is simple and highly customizable quick-launch [[Panel]]. ==How To install Wbar== ~This is a collection of guides & tips from various threads/posts in an effort to bring them all together in one place. Download BOTH of these [[pets]]: **[[http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?mode=attach&id=21737 imlib2-1.4.0.pet]]** **[[http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?mode=attach&id=21741 patched-wbar-1.3.3.pet]]** **Please Note:** If you are using a newer Puppy version (for example: Lupu), use this pet instead of the one above. **[[http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?mode=attach&id=29889 imlib2-1.4.2.pet]]** Then install them simply by single clicking on them (Left mouse button), install **imlib2-1.4.0.pet** first (or **imlib2-1.4.2.pet** if using a newer Puppy), then **patched-wbar-1.3.3.pet** When installing the second .pet, a browser window will open **Wbar Instructions & Tips**, you will need to close this window to allow the install to continue. You can open that window again at any time by navigating to: **/usr/doc/wbar/Wbar_Install_Readme.html**, there are a couple of other files to read in the same directory. When the install of both .pets is complete, you will need to edit this file: **/root/.xinitrc** please note that this is a hidden file so you need to click on the "Eye" icon in ROX-Filer. Right click on** /root/.xinitrc** and select: **//Open As Text//**, now scroll to the bottom of the file and find the part that looks something like this: %%#exec $CURRENTWM #v2.11 GuestToo suggested this improvement... which $CURRENTWM && exec $CURRENTWM [ -x $CURRENTWM ] && exec $CURRENTWM exec jwm #END# %% You now need to add your wbar "Launch Command" Immediately above where it say's: **#exec $CURRENTWM** Exactly what command you enter here will depend how you want to run your wbar, i will give you an example for you to start with, just change things to suit your own needs. (refer to the files in **/usr/doc/wbar**) %%# Start wbar application launcher sleep 3 && wbar -above-desk -jumpf 1 -pos bottom -offset 30 -nanim 3 -zoomf 1.8 -idist 10 -isize 38 -bpress -balfa 0 -falfa 100 & %% Note that this is for running the wbar at the BOTTOM of the screen, if you want it at the top, change **-pos bottom** to **-pos top** The **-offset 30** is the distance (in pixels) that the wbar will be offset from either the top or bottom of the screen. You may also need to increase the **sleep** period from 3 seconds, that is more trial & error until you find what works. @@For more information on positioning the wbar, see **EDIT 4:** below.@@ So now the bottom of your **/root/.xinitrc** file will look like this: %%# Start wbar application launcher sleep 3 && wbar -above-desk -jumpf 1 -pos bottom -offset 30 -nanim 3 -zoomf 1.8 -idist 10 -isize 38 -bpress -balfa 0 -falfa 100 & #exec $CURRENTWM #v2.11 GuestToo suggested this improvement... which $CURRENTWM && exec $CURRENTWM [ -x $CURRENTWM ] && exec $CURRENTWM exec jwm #END# %% The reason we put this "Launch Command" in this file, is so that wbar gets launched automatically at each bootup. The actual wbar configuration file is at:** /root/.wbar** (another hidden file), again right click and select: **//Open As Text//** At the top you will see this block %%#i: /usr/share/wbar/wbar.icons/osxbarback.png #c: #t: /usr/share/wbar/wbar.icons/Starcraft Normal.ttf/12 %% you can ignore that, as i left it there to quickly change font. It is the rest of the file down that is important. This first block: %%i: /usr/share/wbar/wbar.icons/osxbarback.png c: t: /usr/share/wbar/wbar.icons/Creampuff.ttf/16 %% is where you set the wbar background image and font & font size. I included 3 fonts in this directory: **/usr/share/wbar/wbar.icons** - **Starcraft Normal.ttf - Creampuff.ttf - ""VeraBd"".ttf** But you can use whatever font you desire. That directory also contains the icons, but you can use any icons you like. All of the other blocks below that one are for each launcher on the wbar, they all have the same configuration %%i: /usr/share/wbar/wbar.icons/kennel.png c: /usr/local/bin/rox t: Home %% **i:** = the path to the icon to be used. **c:** = the command to run, or path to executable file. **t:** = the text that is displayed beneath the icon So now all that is left, is to get the wbar fired up, you need to restart the X server (from the Shutdown section in the Menu) **//Please Note://** Any changes that you make to the configuration file (** /root/.wbar**), will require you to restart the X server in order to see those changes. **EDIT 1:** ====**{{color text="Launching an application via Wine." c="black"}}**==== If you happen to be running wine, you can launch windows apps with something like the following: %%i: /usr/share/wbar/wbar.icons/good/photogenetics.png c: wine "/root/Wine/drive_c/Program Files/PhotoGenetics/PhotoGenetics.exe" t: PhotGen %% The important part is to surround the path to the .exe file with double quotes. **EDIT 2:** ====**{{color text="Tip for JWM users" c="black"}}**==== If you are using JWM (default in Puppy) then the wbar may open in a window (see attached image) you will notice this window in the taskbar. {{image url="http://i33.tinypic.com/2eamk9k.jpg" title="wbar-on-430" alt="wbar-on-430"}} That is not the behaviour that you want, so to stop it doing this you need to edit the **/etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc** file. (Thanks to **Kal** for the reminder) Right click on that file and select: Open As Text Scroll down a bit, and you will see this lot (or something very similar) %% Gaim xmms absvolume absvolume xmessage %% Copy and Paste this: %% wbar wbar %% after the last one in the block shown above. Save your changes then open a Console/Terminal and enter the following command: %%fixmenus %% **Note:** Some of the newer Puppies have a Menu entry for fixmenus if yours does, just use that instead of the above command. Now Restart X server, from the Menu: Shutdown > Restart X server wbar should now start without being in a window. **EDIT 3:** ====**{{color text="How to open a directory from wbar." c="black"}}**==== Wbar does not by default open directories, but there is a workaround, just create a little script. I will use an example. I have a directory: **/root/dudesdata** i would like to open from the wbar, this is what i did: **1.** Created a new text file (Using a Text Editor: Geany, Leafpad, whatever) and added the following to it: %%rox /root/dudesdata %% I then saved it as: **/usr/local/bin/dudefiles** i then navigated to: **/usr/local/bin** and right clicked on the file: **dudefiles** from the popout menu i selected **Permissions** then clicked on **Yes**. This has just made the file dudefiles executable. **2.** Make an appropriate entry in the **/root/.wbar** file. Something like this: %%i: /usr/share/wbar/wbar.icons/good/kennel.png c: /usr/local/bin/dudefiles t: Dudesdata %% Save your changes, then restart the X server. You should now be able to click on an icon on the wbar and go straight into your chosen directory. **EDIT 4:** ====**{{color text="Positioning of the wbar." c="black"}}**==== Here are a couple of images to help you choose the right switches. {{image url="http://puppy.b0x.me/catdude/screengrabs/wbar/horizontal-positioning.png" title="Horizontal-Positioning" alt="Horizontal-Positioning"}} {{image url="http://puppy.b0x.me/catdude/screengrabs/wbar/vertical-positioning.png" title="Vertical-Positioning" alt="Vertical-Positioning"}} In all of the above scenarios, if you are using a wbar that supports the **-offset** switch, then you can use that to fine tune the final position of the wbar. ==Related Forum threads== ~[[http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=624949#624949 Wbar modification]] ~[[http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=52381 Wbar Configuration Centre - v 07]] ~[[http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=580372 Wbar installation]] ~[[http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=19742 Wbar: a fancy launchbar (using Imlib2)]] ==Related Webpages== ~[[https://github.com/warlockcc/wbar Wbar (github - warlockcc)]] - newer version ~[[http://code.google.com/p/wbar/ Wbar google code page]] ~[[http://lxlinux.com/wbar.html Tutorial (lxlinux.com)]] ---- ==Categories== CategoryTutorial CategoryGUI CategorySoftware