[[HomePage]] > [[SoftwareIndex Software Index]] > [[SoftwareOffice Office]] {{image url="http://www.softmaker.com/english/images/logobluonblu.gif" title="text" alt="text" width="125"}} ====""TextMaker""==== **TextMaker** is part of [[SoftMakerOffice SoftMaker Office 2010]] taht comes with the following applications: ""TextMaker"" 2010, the reliable and friendly word processor that reads and writes Microsoft Word files without a hitch. ""PlanMaker"" 2010, the fully Excel-compatible spreadsheet that lets you create the most elaborate worksheets. ""SoftMaker"" Presentations 2010, the presentation graphics program that simply creates better-looking presentations than Microsoft PowerPoint. All programs are a perfect match. They not only provide consistent menu and dialog box arrangements, but can also exchange data smoothly with each other." [[http://www.pa-mcclamrock.com/textmaker-2002_full.pet textmaker-2002_full.pet]] - 2002 edition ==Related Pages== [[http://www.softmaker.com Softmaker homepage]] [[http://www.officeviewers.com/ OfficeViewers]] -The free document viewer for all common word processing formats ---- ==Categories== CategoryOffice CategorySoftware