[[Homepage]] > [[PuppyVersionIndex Puppy Version]] > [[Dpup]] ====Puppy Squeeze==== [[http://iguleder.wordpress.com/ Project developer Igulender]] [[http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=450432#450432 latest release]] more info [[http://youtu.be/98d1rib1HJs Video of 003]] //Puppy woof Dpup using Debian Squeeze// {{image url="http://tubeguy.org/puppybg/squeezealientop400.jpg" title="Screenshot" alt="Squeeze Screenshot"}} **Features** High [[http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributions/puppylinux/pet-packages-lucid/ Lucid compatibility]] [[http://deadbeef.sourceforge.net/ DeadBeeF]] Audio player Transmission instead of pctorrent and ctorrent Smaller Seamonkey New artwork **plans for 008 are:** - New screenshot thing from dpup 484 (dejan555) - A fix for the JWM theme (Karl Godt) - Ppower, a power management tray icon that automatically starts on laptops (Iguleder) - A first boot tray icons fix - The gtkmoz forking fix - A new GTK theme chooser, a hacked LXAppearance (Iguleder) - The leaf from 00 {{image url="http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/2294/logomcd.jpg" title="Squeeze" alt="Squeeze"}} ==Status== Superseded by [[InsidiousPuppy]] ==Also on the Wiki== [[DPup DPup Index]] ---- ==Categories== CategoryPuppies