{{include tonguesSoftwareSystem}} [[HomePage]] > [[SoftwareIndex Software Index]] > [[SoftwareSystem System]] ====System Software Index==== ||{background:white} **[[Allegro]]** game programming library **[[AlsaLib]]** audio processing **[[BinUtils]]** collection of binary tools including [[as]] and [[ld]] **[[CoreUtils]]** Basic file, shell and text manipulations. **[[GetText]]** Native language support **[[Glib]]** Gnome library for [[Gtk]] **[[Glibc]]** The [[GNU]] C Library **[[Grep]]** Finds strings in files. ||{background:white} **[[lame]]** Audio encoder, supports MP3. **[[libdb]]** Berkley Database **[[libffi]]** software compilation **[[libgconf]]** **[[libgl]]** **[[libglu]]** **[[libgstinterfaces]]** part of gstreamer plugins base set **[[libgstreamer]]** streaming media framework **[[LibMad]]** Audio decoder, supports MP3. **[[libmpg123]]** mpeg audio decoder **[[libpng]]** PNG raster format tools **[[libssh2]]** SSH2 protocol **[[libssl]]** **[[libstdcplusplus libstdc++]]** [[GNU]] Standard ""C++"" **[[LibUSB]]** USB access for applications **[[lxml]]** library for handling [[xml]] ||{background:white} **[[numpy]]** [[python]] maths library **[[OpenAl]]** audio processing **[[pdf2svg]]** convert pdf to svg **[[poppler]]** **[[pygtk]]** [[python]] [[Gtk]] library **[[TagLib]]** audio meta-data processing **[[Udev]]** device access {{image url="http://www.xine-project.org/images/xine.png" width="60" }} **[[xinelib Xine lib]]** Multimedia player **[[Xlib]]** functions for interacting with [[X]] || ==Related Webpages== ~[[http://murga-linux.com/puppy/index.php?f=57 System Software forum]] ~[[http://www.smokey01.com/bruceb/pets_n_stuff.html#System System forum links]] ---- ==Categories== CategoryIndex CategorySoftware CategorySoftwareLibraries CategoryCommandLine