Revision [25355]

This is an old revision of SlackoSoftware made by darkcity on 2012-12-21 09:22:49.


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Slacko Main Page

What is Slacko?
Slacko is a series of Puppy releases (5.3x to 5.4 with the code name Slacko), uses the latest Puppy Woof Woof 2 build code, programs and scripts. It has high Slackware binary software packages compatibility (hence is a Spup). It was created by the lead developer Micko and the community. Including months of testing, upgrades and updates. Includes hardware recognition, programs and scripts unique to Puppy. (Not to be confused with Barry's PrecisePuppy Precise Puppy 5.4x).

Slacko releases
Puppy54 Slacko 5.4 - Slackware 14 compatibility thread
Puppy531 Slacko 5.3.1 - Slackware 13.37 compatibility

Slacko Software
Slickpet is a cut down version of Quickpet to get a few handy apps without diving into the well stocked Puppy Package manager. Slickpet also supports installing SFS packages, which are modules that are loadable as layers in the Puppy filesystem. Packages such as Libreoffice-3.5.3, JRE and Samba3.5.4 are available.
While on the Puppy Package Manager, apart from Puppy's native PET package format it can also fetch Slackware, Salix and Slacky packages in tgz or txz format.
Puppy's sfs format is supported by a program called sfs_load. Sfs are a way to load layered filesystems so that the filesystems can be unioned and act as one. Read more.
Slacko has Abiword and Gnumeric, late versions to open those documents and spreadsheets to keep you working.
Lots of types of multimedia are supported so you can play hard.
Slacko is aimed at reasonably modern machines up to six or seven years old. It may run on even older hardware.
Much work has gone into fine tuning packages such as Samba and the light weight alternative Samba-TNG. There is also a netboot add on that allows you to boot Puppy over your LAN.

Slacko Puppy 5.3.3 offers something for everyone, whether for work or play, all in under 115 megabytes!

More Software
SlickPet development of LucidPuppyQuickpet Quickpet - easily adds major programs such as Gimp, Wine, Pidgin and accelerated graphic drivers
Seamonkey powerful default web browser ready installed (others easily available from Slickpet eg. Tor Browser), Firefox, Chrome and Opera
Automatic Internet connectivity with Frisbee Network Manager
sfs_load by shinobar
Linux kernel compiled with Aufs (layered file system support)
Xchat IRC chat installed, with meebo as a cloud link
Transmission bit torrent available
Geany programming IDE and powerful text editor
Leafpad simple text editor
Audio improvements, eg. audio and recording in mhwaveedit mhwavedit working
Puppy Phone (Slickpet add on)
Optional Slickpet Cloud feature eg. Twitter, Facebook, Dropbox and Gmail icons
Security Fido Non root initiative started
Growl Security hardening
LibreOffice Easy GUI installation
Pns-tool Wi-fi support
Many software support modules (SFS) and Puppy prepared programs (pets)
Gettext being used in all GUI scripts for internationalization
Run as Fido, Spot or root as a choice
Flash optional, offered as download if needed
Add more than 6 SFS (software modules) at any one time
Translations available
Pupcamera added
PuppyMessage - color scheme for messages
Also on Wiki
Puppy5Index Puppy 5 index - Lucid and Slacko
PrecisePuppy - Precise by BarryK

Forum thread for bug reports and feedback Discussion specific to 5.3.1 starts on page 23

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