Wiki source for SlackoBeta

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[[HomePage]] > [[PuppyVersionIndex Puppy Version]] > [[Puppy5Index|Puppy5]]/[[Spup]] > [[Puppy53|Slacko]]
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====Slacko Betas====
~Help improve Slacko by testing the cutting edge Beta versions. Download and report bugs in the [[ Slacko 6.0 Beta thread]].

==Beta Releases==
|=|Version |=| Date |=| Features|=|
||5.9.3 k 3.4.94|| 17 Jun 2014 || slackware-14.1 package base, [[savefolder|save to folder]] ||
|| || 27th Feb 2013 || packages in PPM, notably [[icewm]] and [[openbox openbox+]]||
|| || 3rd Mar 2013 || RC (release candidate)||

==Related Webpages==
~[[ Slacko 5.4 Homepage]]
~[[ Slacko 6.0 Beta thread]]

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