Revision [10261]

This is an old revision of Skype made by coolpup on 2010-10-29 05:02:03.


Skype online telephony

How To Install Skype on Puppy

Skype for puppy, including stable and beta version PETS.

Installing SKYPE in Puppy Linux 4.1.2
1. Download the (26.3 MB) Static binary tar.bz2 with Qt compiled in .
to a temp directory.
2. Extract the download to /root/my-applications/skype
3. Open Skype dir and drag SKYPE appl to desktop.
4. Right click the new shortcut to set icons, and get the icon from /skype subfolder called 'icons'
5. Click SKPE and use it, seems to behave just like windows version (use status bar icon for options etc).

Puppy Users and their Skype names

Aitch = Aitch - frequent forum poster
Caneri = caneri - hosts and mirrors our files with a server
Charni Singh = charnisingh - created Gizmo and Skype pets and Sfs
Grant Wilson = smokey01
Jay = puppyluvr
Lobster = crusty_lobster
Pritish = pritish - prit 1 on forum - created Macpup, helping out caneri with server
Tronkel = tronkel - creating community edition
William = mcewanw - many programs and pets

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