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This is an old revision of SalukiTips made by darkcity on 2012-08-21 07:20:13.


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Saluki Tips


How do I create a custom Saluki?
The best way to learn how to use the custom-builder is to play with it. It’s pretty intuitive. You’re not going to ruin anything by tinkering with it.

You can download the default adrive packages here - - unzip them and you’ll have a directory full of pets. You can the add or remove as you wish. This step is up to you, whatever your preference may be. You can even add SFS files to this directory if you wish. Any tweaks and updates that have been made are available in the repo. You can download direct from or you can use the package manager (from the ppm you can choose to install or to just download the pet - just download and move it to the directory you created full of pets).

When you run the custom-builder you’ll copy the files in this directory to the custom-adrive directory that gets created. It’ll give you the option of downloading the files from the repo, or copying them from a local location. Another nifty thing about the custom-builder is it’ll check for missing dependencies and will automatically download these if you choose to do so.

Customizing things such as ‘desktop backgrounds, homepages, custom desktop apps etc’ can be done when you’re presented with a file manager window during the custom-builder process. It’ll be labeled ‘Edit Adrive’ to make manual modifications. Make your mods before pressing continue. If you want to save some of your personal settings, open another file manager window, go to the menu and choose View/Show Hidden Files. Copy everything in the root directory and paste it into the Edit Adrive root directory. You can do the same for Frisbee settings by going to /usr/local/Frisbee. Backgrounds can be found at /usr/share/backgrounds.

At the end of the process the custom-builder gives you the option of creating an ISO of your build and even allows you to rename the distro. There really isn’t much of a need for remastering; this does the same thing but takes a radically different (and simpler) approach.

If you choose to create an ISO, the zdrive gets created automatically for you by the custom-builder. It also gives you the option of creating a zdrive that targets just your machine/peripherals, or a broader support base in the case you need your build to run on a variety of machines.

How do I install the ATI crystal graphic driver?
Install the devx and kernel source sfs.
Download the driver for your card.
Open the terminal and run the

When it is finished do the command:
aticonfig --initial

Exit the terminal and reboot.

Cairo-Dock above pet also needed
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