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Puppy Linux Rudy Edition

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Minimum System Requirements;

* 500Mhz CPU (Processor)
* 192Mb RAM
* 20x CD-ROM Drive that can be booted from

Here is the 070227 version, based on Puppy Linux 2.14. Download
[md5 57b570d455e7c7e1ef38811a1fdd809a ]

I am an untidy guy, and I'm absolutely uncapable of keeping a log of my work, so you better discover the changes by yourself :-)
Some major points:
1) The xdg menu system has been embedded into the previous menu tree, which I preferred, as "Add-ons". After you install a dotpet (and run fixmenus if needed) you should find your newly installed program there. Then, if you want, you can edit the jwm or icewm menu templates (control panel /menu configurations) to include your new program right in the place you prefer.
2) Both jwm and icewm are included. Start the one you like by exiting to command line and issuing "xwin jwm" or "xwin starticewm".
3) There is also firefox plus flash 9 which seems to work (or, maybe, seems not to crash too often).
4) This is the "Merci Fabrice" edition! Merci to Fabrice because he personally allowed me to include kqemu, just a few days before licensing it with a GPL. So, we have now qemu, kqemu and jqemu (a java gui frontend to qemu). Enjoy them...
5) I throwed basic kde by mu and used an even leaner kde environment by Billcnz , to include k3b and k9copy. Now no kicker runs in the background, and the whole thing is less kludgy.
6) there are some additional fine packages by our developers, including 3dcc, xaos, acrobat 5 (small and quick), frostwire instead of limewire (because it's free), additional wifi firmware drivers, new audio controls and battery monitor on jwm tray.

Comments are welcome :-)

The 070104 version of rudypuppy, built upon Barry's Puppy Linux version 2.13 (you can get it from http://www.debernardis.it/rudypuppy070104.iso ) now includes some KDE apps, and in particular the K3B cd/dvd burner, and Konqueror (web and file system browser), plus some minor utilities. KDE comes from the fine work of MU ( http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=11876 ) and is the tiniest that could be generated by his script, even if it's around 60 megs large. Moreover, in order to have Konqueror behave the right way, Kicker (the KDE window manager) runs in the background, or sort of (its window is hidden below the JWM task bar, and can be enlarged and moved, if ever needed, by using Kcontrol, the KDE control center, which you can find inside the jwm menu), together with other KDE gee-whiz. For these reasons, this new rudypuppy is adviced only for machines with a good deal of ram space, and possibly a proper swap partition.
On my 1 gig ram plus 1 gig swap, it flies, though, and seems quite usable as the previous versions.
All this stuff is there only to get K3B, which is widely recognized as more user-friendly and versatile than the usual puppy alternatives (gcombust and the so); Konqueror is nice but jwm + rox are enough, and much lighter, too.
So, the inclusion of these portions of KDE is experimental, and could be out of next version if eventually I find a cd/dvd burner nice enough to rival with K3B.
There are also some minor refinements, like the option to reset the pinboard to a icon-rich layout (puppy linux standard) or to a minimalistic clean desktop - by now it needs also a restart of X, but I guess there are less destructive ways of restarting the pinboard, and advices on this issue are welcome!
Ah... (edit) I forgot to say there's also sane plus xsane, even if I haven't found the way, yet, to start xsane as a plugin of gimp.
Some new photos from the places where I live, work or go for holidays are included as desktop backgrounds, hoping you'll like them.

I have had few chances and time to troubleshoot this puplet - by now I'm out for a trip, and I'll start using it for my work next week - so if you try it please kindly let me know if there is something broken or that could be enhanced.

Rudypuppy 061127 revision 1
This fixes some bugs, like the absence of giftui in the jwm menu - adds xfe file manager, freemind "mind mapping" software, latest sun java (blackdown version was dropped), cdw compact disc burner, inadyn dynamic ip tool for dyndns, iptstate for monitoring firewall connections, savepuppy for usb saving on demand, plus an experimental suspend script for laptops (I am not sure it will work on *your* machine).
Please contact me on the forums for bugs, problems and other issues that should be fixed, as well as for suggestions and the so.

It's now at the 061127 edition, built upon Puppy Linux 2.12. For me, it's the "Skies edition" for the several skies photos I have been shooting recently, and included here as background images. The default background is a clear and sunny sky and sea view I took from near my workplace, at the addiction medicine service of Augusta (Italy). Some other skies come from Catania and some other are borrowed by a set of Croatian photos from my brother-in-law.
But now, done with backgrounds, and let's try to see what's there in those almost 500 megabytes, other than the best OS at all, that is the plain 2.12 Puppy, of course!

The default parameters for boot are acpi=strict acpi=noirq pci=biosirq pci=nosort irqpoll routeirq. These are known to help acpi function on buggy machines like my hp pavilion notebook, but should not harm for general use. The symptoms of need for this cure are plain crashes or, more subtly, in my hands, unexpected stalls of wi-fi connectivity, at least with every kernel I happened to try, both in Puppy and Ubuntu.

After choosing keyboard layout, if you go for xvesa, you will be in 640x480 plain vga without autostarting the xvesa wizard. This is due to some problems that showed after my elaboration of 2.12: while the plain 2.12 correctly opens xvesa wizard, after all my fiddling this was not the case any more and the wizard stalled in console mode, needing to stop and run manually xwin. Since I didn't feel like finding the culprit, I hardcoded /etc/videomode in my iso and the console bug disappeared, at the price of not autostarting the xvesa wizard (but you can always call it from the menu).

In addition to stuff that was already there in previous versions, you have now a "Science" menu, which at present includes:
  1. the statistical interpreted language "R" at the last version (2.4.0 - 2006/10/3) and its full docs in pdf, plus some other free books on R for beginners I took from its site ( http://cran.r-project.org/ );
  1. a simple but complete gui statistical program for windows, Stats4U, running under Wine ( http://www.statpages.org/miller/openstat/ );
  1. Easychem 0.6, a basic, tiny, nice molecular drawing program for X ( http://easychem.sourceforge.net/ ) - this exports EPS graphics, and in order to include them in other documents I added the eps2png utility which can be invoked from the console;
  1. a link to MedASq, my own text-only but feature-enriched interface to the Pubmed/Medline databases of the National Library of Medicine ( http://www.debernardis.it/medasq.php ).
  1. and as in the last version, Rlplot 1.2, a slick and powerful editor for scientific graphics ( http://rlplot.sourceforge.net/ ).

We still have Openoffice.org 2.04, Firefox 2.0 and a collection of rescue utilities. I have abandoned scite (geany is enough), pup_save encryption (until it gets into the official puppy, but if you need it it's here), nano (I was not doing so much editing in console), gentoo file manager (didn't like it). Instead, now there is CUPS, Gslapt in addition to Debian installer, editsfs and xgammon: all dotpups from those generous and prolific fellows hanging on Puppy's forums...

The iso contains also an "options" directory, sporting the devx_212.pup, the synaptic.pup (modified to default in tap_and_drag mode, which I prefer), and the dotpups for XFCE and Gnome I took from the forum; I think it's handy to have them available on your live cd when needed without loading at boot.

Tip: the key combinations CTRL-up/down arrows controls audio volume, CTRL-left arrow mutes the speakers.

For some obscure reasons I still have to investigate (eheheh), this last iso happens to be HUGE! Most of the space is taken by Openoffice and R. But it is still quick and slick on my 1gig ram machine... could not test on other computers, so please let me know.
Also, I'd like to get some feedback on the impressions of those who happen to test it and possibly decide to use it, and the bugs they are going to find.
Making puplets is half of the fun, but the other half of the fun is making them better :)

061020 edition, built upon Puppy Linux 2.11. Now at revision 2: download
Incorporates dotpups from many authors: Openoffice.org 2.04, Scite, XNview, PBwrapper, latest Skype, X-Lite phone, GiFTui, Scalpel, NTFSundelete, dd_rescue, ms-sys, shred, wipeswap.
Several dotpups have been repacked to allocate their files in /usr/local instead then under /root.

060924 edition, based on Puppy Linux 2.10r1. As previously, I added all sorts of things I liked, from forum and dotpups, and it was quite a fun.

Among them:

This in addition to what I added in the two previous versions.

060910 edition

Unfortunately, none of these are pupget or dotpup compliant (I haven't learned yet how to make those packages), so no easy uninstall.

060903 edition

This is my own puplet, designed just for my needs (and for fun, actually) :-)
This puppy is quite obese: more than 250 megs!

Started from puppy 2.03 ce by hacao;
and maybe some other things I don't remember by now.

Comment by darkcity
2013-01-16 10:45:00
Need to add entry in the Big List
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