[[HomePage]] > [[ComponentHowTo Components and HowTos]] {{image url="http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/239/8/3/puppy_like_by_koulaxizis-d48076t.jpg" title="text" alt="text" width="100"}} ====""RightClick""==== ~**""RightClick""** the term used for clicking the right-hand mouse button. This is differentiated from the usual Click (which is the left-hand mouse button). It is often used bring up a context sensitive menu. For example, if you ""RightClick"" on a file in the [[ROXfiler]] it will bring up the menu of things you can do with that particular file, also considering its type. Where as if you ""RightClick"" on the [[Desktop]] and you will get the [[PuppyMenu]]. --- ~The mouse can be configured with the left and right button functions switched, if you are left-handed or if that's your preference. ==Software== ~[[Right-click menu options]] - This software package adds powerful collection of utilities and tools to the right-click menu ---- ==Categories== CategoryTutorial CategoryComponent