[[HomePage]] > [[ComponentHowTo Components and HowTos]] > [[GuiIndex GUI]] > [[FileManagers]] {{image url="http://img.uptodown.net/icons/mini/rox-filer.png" text="icon"}} ====ROX Filer==== ~**ROX-Filer** is the default file manager in many versions of Puppy and forms part of the [[DesktopEnvironments desktop environment]]. It is a component taken from the ROX desktop environment. ==Screenshots== ~{{image url="http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?mode=attach&id=81504" link="http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?mode=attach&id=81504" width="250"}} ~{{image url="http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?mode=attach&id=100498" link="http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?mode=attach&id=100498" width="250"}} ==Using Rox Filer== ~Quick start: ~~-Access Rox by clicking a directory icon on desktop or choose 'File Manager' from the Start menu. ~~-//'Left click icon'// to open files and directories. //'Right click icon'// to get a menu for that item. ~~-//'Dragging files with left mouse button'// either copies files/ shows menu (copy, move, link, etc) ~~-//'Dragging files with right mouse button'// either moves files/ shows menu (copy, move, link, etc) ~~-[[RoxMiniBuffer Mini-buffer]] is a bar that appears at the bottom of a filer window when //'/'// is pressed, used to jump to another folder. ~~-Shell command box - to enter a command //Right-click > Window > Shell Command...// ~~-//'F1'// To show Rox manual file press (or click on the 'help' on the toolbar) ~~-//'Left click eye'// to toggle hidden file view, //'Right click eye'// to toggle image thumbnail view ==Shortcut Table== ""

Key / mouse Action
Left click Open the file or directory clicked on.
Hold down Ctrl to select things. Hold down Shift to:
1. look inside applications 2. treat files as text 3. follow symlinks or 4. mount devices.
Middle click Open the file or directory clicked on.
Click on a file: open the file and close rox.
Click on a folder: open the directory in a new window.
Right click Open the main menu.
Hold down Ctrl while clicking to go directly to the Selection submenu.
Hold down Shift to get the Send To menu .
Drag an item (left mouse button) Copy file(s) to the destination (an application or another filer window).
Hold down Shift to move the file
Ctrl+Shift to create a symbolic link.
Drag an item (middle mouse button) When you let go, display a menu of possible actions (copy, move, link, etc).
There is an option to make this move the files rather than open the menu.
Drag (not over an item) Select a group of items by dragging a box around them.
Then "Ctrl + left click" to add items to the selection.
Or, "Ctrl + middle click" to select and unselect.
Double-click background Resize window to a sensible size.
Backspace Go to parent directory.
Arrow keys Move the cursor around.
Page Up,
Page Down
Move the cursor up and down a page at a time.
Home, End Move to the first/last entry in the directory.
Acts like clicking on the file. Hold down Shift for other effects, as with clicking.
Spacebar Toggles the item under the cursor between being selected and unselected,and moves to next item.
Tab, Shift+Tab Moves the cursor to the next/previous selected item.
Hold mouse over an item Shows a tooltip with brief description of the application (if available), the target of symlink, and the full name of file, if it's too long to show in the main window.
* Mouse button bindings can be changed in the Options window.
"" ==Navigation== ~Open new window: ~~Click a folder with middle mouse button (both buttons together simulates middle button) ~Open new Home dir window: ~~Click the Home icon with middle mouse button ~Open a new window showing the parent dir: ~~Click up arrow with middle/right mouse button ~Set bookmark ~~Press ctrl+0 to ctrl+9. To change the rox dir to that bookmark, just press the number key: 0 to 9 (it will even remember which files are selected) ==Open Files== ~Drag file(s) to a rox icon and the file(s) will be opened with the run-action-command. E,g, select some mp3 files then drag< ~From the command line type: "rox readme.txt" to open readme.txt using the default rox action ~Put programs in the sendto menu and send files to it: E.g, select 3 or 4 pictures, hold shift and right click to get the sendto menu, and send the pics to [[mtpaint]] ... or mp3s can be sent to [[gxine]]. ==Define Keys== ~You can bind keys to menu items. E.g, right-click a file, move the mouse over the Delete menu item, and press the D key. Now you can select any files and press D to delete them. To reset the keys press 'Backspace'. ~However, certain Rox installs do not have this feature enabled, and they require to create a file /root/.gtkrc.mine, with the command gtk-can-change-accels = 1 on it. Full instructions: http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=48180 ==Misc Actions== ~Drag any item from a rox window to the desktop to create a desktop icon. ~To change icon text's background: 1. right-click a desktop icon and select Rox-Filer, Options; 2. click the Pinboard tab; 3. select Text Style: No Background; 4. click Save (apply other effects to check but always SAVE). ~If you add partitions to [[fstab]], you can mount/unmount them by holding shift and clicking the mount point (e.g, /mnt/windows3) ==Also on the Wiki== ~[[RoxMiniBuffer ROX Mini Buffer]] - folder navigation tool ~[[PcManFm]] - ""LXDE"" file manager ~[[fstab]] ==Related Webpages== ~[[http://rox.sourceforge.net/ ROX homepage]] ~[[https://github.com/jun7/rox-filer RX filer (jun7, github)]] ~[[http://bkhome.org/blog/?viewDetailed=02853 ROX on Barry's Blog]] ~[[http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=107684 What do you think about Rox? thread]] ~[[http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=57166 ROX-Filer Modification thread]] ~[[http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=79295 How to change sort from horizontal to vertical thread]] ---- ==Categories== CategoryFileManager CategorySoftware CategoryGUI