Wiki source for PuppyDpupStretch
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====**Dpup Stretch RC-5 with multiple updates, fixes and enhancements in development**====
Debian will provide binary package support for Stretch through June 2022,
Dpup Stretch will have a long projected life.
Debian is now making the transition from Stretch to Buster,
BusterPup when Debian Buster is officially released in the coming weeks.
[[ Dpup Stretch]]
That is it combines Puppy efficient programs
with stable 32bit (also runs on 64 bit computers) Debian Stretch 9.6 packages
using the Woof-CE (community Edition construction methodology)
**Kernel options**
• k4.1.48-i686-pae for legacy hardware
md5: 61dbb12e98d909830aafb561caf28c86
• k4.9.149-i686-pae for recent hardware
stretch-7.5-uefi-k4.9.149.iso (10-Jan-2019)
md5: f0e1be0bb0920f46a291e34b8de35671
PaleMoon Browser
UEFI and non EUFI Bios support
Peasy Disc 8.1 CD and DVD burner
Pup advert Blocker
Pup snap screenshots
weX audio, video recorder
pMusic Radio streamer
**For Developers**
Devx (10-Jan-2019)
md5: 7c42bdb81735a13c915576ceeaca6673
Kernel Sources (10-Jan-2019)
md5: fe2ff0c3075943dbdd9363d8fd47cc7e
md5: f290627268a1127af2eab681ebfbd4e3
====**Dpup Stretch RC-5 with multiple updates, fixes and enhancements in development**====
Debian will provide binary package support for Stretch through June 2022,
Dpup Stretch will have a long projected life.
Debian is now making the transition from Stretch to Buster,
BusterPup when Debian Buster is officially released in the coming weeks.
[[ Dpup Stretch]]
That is it combines Puppy efficient programs
with stable 32bit (also runs on 64 bit computers) Debian Stretch 9.6 packages
using the Woof-CE (community Edition construction methodology)
**Kernel options**
• k4.1.48-i686-pae for legacy hardware
md5: 61dbb12e98d909830aafb561caf28c86
• k4.9.149-i686-pae for recent hardware
stretch-7.5-uefi-k4.9.149.iso (10-Jan-2019)
md5: f0e1be0bb0920f46a291e34b8de35671
PaleMoon Browser
UEFI and non EUFI Bios support
Peasy Disc 8.1 CD and DVD burner
Pup advert Blocker
Pup snap screenshots
weX audio, video recorder
pMusic Radio streamer
**For Developers**
Devx (10-Jan-2019)
md5: 7c42bdb81735a13c915576ceeaca6673
Kernel Sources (10-Jan-2019)
md5: fe2ff0c3075943dbdd9363d8fd47cc7e
md5: f290627268a1127af2eab681ebfbd4e3