Revision [32297]

This is an old revision of Puppy9 made by lobster on 2019-05-09 15:02:22.


New Super Puptext

Code Name: Puppy 'K9'

8.1 Codename Puppy 'Stir Fry' announced

Vote for features

Help required:
More potentials (see below) required. Know any?

64 Bit, 32 Bit, ARM (Raspberry Pi version)
EasyDD and other ports from EasyOS, FatDog and derivatives
Remove menu - "right click to add/delete/create folder"
How possible in coding terms is it to have Menu styles?
eg: Noob, Geek, Programmer, General use, Minimalist, Everything etc?
Updater for bug fixes
Extended Quickpet
Help Desk/Guides/sponser a Noob (perhaps using Puppy Phone/email)

32bit, 64bit Slackware base, WoofCE built
32bit, 64bit, WoofCE built with Ubuntu base packages
32bit, 64bit, WoofCE, Slackware packages compatible
32bit, WoofCE built Debian base packages
Devuan base, Debian derivative

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