{{include tonguesSlacko}} [[HomePage]] > [[PuppyVersionIndex Puppy Version]] > [[Puppy5Index|Puppy5]]/[[Spup]] > [[Puppy53|Slacko]] {{image url="http://www.meownplanet.net/puppylinuxstuff/darkcity/slacko48.png" title="logo" alt="logo"}} {{include pagesSlacko}} ====Slacko 5x index page==== ==Screenshot== ~{{image url="https://ia801904.us.archive.org/6/items/Puppy_Linux_Slacko_up_to_5.3x_pets_sfs/slacko-first_boot-screen.jpg" link="https://ia801904.us.archive.org/6/items/Puppy_Linux_Slacko_up_to_5.3x_pets_sfs/slacko-first_boot-screen.jpg" title="screenshot" alt="screenshot" width="200"}} == What is Slacko? == ~Slacko is a series of Puppy releases (5.3+ with the code name Slacko), uses the latest Puppy [[Woof Woof 2]] build code, programs and scripts. It has high Slackware binary software packages compatibility (hence is a [[Spup]]). It was created by the lead developer [[Micko]] and the community. Including months of testing, upgrades and updates. Includes hardware recognition, programs and scripts unique to Puppy. (Not to be confused with Barry's [[PrecisePuppy Precise Puppy 5.4x]]). ==Slacko quotes== ~//Slacko Puppy 5.3.3 offers something for everyone, whether for work or play, all in under **115 megabytes!**// ==Slacko releases== ~**[[Slacko57 Slacko 5.7]]** - Released March 2014 ~[[Slacko56 Slacko 5.6]] - (released 13th August 2013) improved version of 5.5 with newer kernel ~[[Slacko55 Slacko 5.5]] - (released March 2013) improved version of 5.4 with newer kernel ~[[Puppy54 Slacko 5.4]] - Slackware 14 compatibility [[http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=82650 thread]] ~[[Puppy533 Slacko 5.3.3]] - [[http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=607147#607147 thread]] ~[[Puppy531 Slacko 5.3.1]] - Slackware 13.37 compatibility ==Slacko Derivatives == ~[[Slacko6index|Slacko 6 index]] - newer versions of Slacko ~[[FatSlacko]] - common software added ~[[ThinSlacko]] - stripped down Slacko ~[[SlackoXL]] - full-featured, cd-sized puplet ==Also on Wiki== ~[[videodriverslacko Install Video drivers in Slacko]] ~[[Puppy5Index Puppy 5 index]] - Lucid and Slacko ~[[PrecisePuppy]] - Precise by [[BarryK]] ==Related Webpages== ~[[http://slacko.01micko.com/ Slacko Homepage]] ~[[http://01micko.com/slacko14.html Slacko 5.4 Homepage]] ~[[http://01micko.com/slacko.html Slacko 5.3 Homepage]] ~[[http://www.mediafire.com/?5ah0d0rzcz5cc Install directly from Windows exe]] ~[[http://shino.pos.to/party/bridge.cgi?puppy/ 5.3 Mirrored on shino]] ~[[https://archive.org/details/Puppy_Linux_Slacko_up_to_5.3x_pets_sfs Pets and sfs files for Slacko builds up to but not including slacko 5.4=> (archive.orf)]] ---- ==Categories== CategoryPuppies CategoryPuppyDevelopment