Revision [10564]

This is an old revision of Puppy52 made by CrustyLobster on 2010-11-08 00:14:50.



About Puppy Lucid 5.2
Puppy 5.2 uses unique Puppy scripts. Puppy loads and runs entirely from Ram, for speed. Puppy has optimised programs and wizards.
Puppy 5.2 is a woof build (Puppy creation technology, allowing Puppy to be partially built from Debian and Ubuntu compiled programs and libraries). Puppy 5.2 uses Ubuntu 10.10 binaries from Maverick, offering further compatibility.
Puppy 5.2 retains the name 'Puppy Lucid' but also uses 10.10 or Maverick Meerkat Ubuntu files. Internal development used the name 'Luci'. So for example the latest download is luci-236

Lucid Maverick on Puppy forum
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It looks like it is going to happen. XFCE, KDE, plus compiz, that is more than I would have ever even asked for
And add fluxbox and icewm, to openbox and jwm installed.
Whew! We got great help from more devs this time too, shino, iguleder, tazoc, tasmod, dejan. They have all added a lot.

* Built from latest Woof with some Meerkat binaries
* First-run configuration Dialog (from shinobar)
* Firewallstate is in the tray (from tasmod)
* New backgrounds from Warren, extras for IceWM for download
* Gtk themes: clearlooks, crux, taqua, and xfce-dawn added (Warren)
* Well-stocked Puppy Package Manager
* Pidgin replaces Ayttm (dejan555‘s build) - still need to configure Pidgin to autoconnect to IRC #puppylinux
* Newest Quickpet with SFS-getter (soon available for all Puppys) from Mick
* Window manager choice, Openbox and fbpanel window manager with JWM alternative
* KDE, Fluxbox, Xfce and Icewm for download, configured in window manager switcher
* wcpufreq (tazoc)
* Cpu_frequency_scaling (by iguleder) - works for quad core
* Midori Browser built in
* More QuickPet Puppy optimised programs
* Extended Puppy News in Quickpet
* Compiz as an option (coming soon from smil99 with help from 01micko)
* Boot up menu, with extended options (awaiting implementation)
* Network_tray icon/Blinky themes
* Cup and Help improvements

Why does Puppy run as root?
Puppy users control their environment.
We are designed to load and run from USB or DVD (straight to desktop)
A root running live CD or DVD system remains MORE secure than
an accessible and hackable hard disk install
We are not designed for multi-user deployment.
With great power (over your system) comes great responsibility
(for your data).
Puppy users take charge of their computers.

So technically, Puppy is dangerous?
Very. We bypass network security and firewalls
and can edit other operating systems files such as Windows 7
bypassing administrator limitations
Recommended by security agencies as unhackable when running from DVD
Programs on the CD/DVD are never compromised.
With Puppy, comes great power
in a small package

How can Puppy Luci 5.2 be so small and have so many programs?
We choose simple efficient programs.
Puppy is lean Linux muscle power, compressed and expanded
on the fly.
Puppy would be smaller but other distros packages
are not as efficient as Puppy
Using Ubuntu 'Maverick Meerkat' files, though convenient,
is a compromise.

What about tech support?
Try us.
Puppy users are loyal because our forums, wikis, IRC,
blogs and web sites are constantly friendly, updated and improved

Puppy Maverick
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