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====Puppy 44 Team====
<<Many programs have been updated and recompiled so report any unusable or otherwise annoying changes that you come across.
//[[ Technosaurus]]// <<

**Offers of help** [[ use registration program]] or just add details

Version of Puppy: Too many to list am addicted
Hardware:Acer Aspire one, EEE701SD EEEBox, Medion 8950, Dell Laptops,
Dell GX520 & DHPs, Apple mini. Plus heaps more.
Loads of external hardware ie:screens 15" 24" 32" 62" LCDs, burners, flash drives,
media centers, love technology.Too many items to list
Skills offered:Tester as have heaps of different hardware
Contact: Puppy Linux Forum [[ kazzamozz]], email kazzamozz at
Misc Info: Am new to Puppy but experience in Microsoft based systems Dos up to Vista
hate them all now I have discovered puppy.
Currently consult in IT for special friends and family only, to keep my skills up.
Promoting puppy to anyone who will listen. Looking for a new project to keep me busy.
Interested in getting puppy to work with Microsoft software IE:Anything related to
creating DVDs to watch on media centers, Nintendos, PSPs etc.
Shrinking, burning, copying, photography plus Home movies.

**Jacob S. Preciado**
Skills offered: Experience in NLS and localized puppy scripts (Puppy 421es), testing, compiling and adapting software to Puppy
Contact: [[ Proudog]] PM Puppy Linux Forum, email: jacsal at
Misc Info: Generate new translation templates on Puppy scripts

Version of Puppy: 4.4CE
Hardware: diverse laptops
Skills offered: compiling, testing,...
Contact: Puppy Linux Forum [[ aragon]], email (aragonpuppy at

(aka Tom, gnu-dio, renegade4dio, pupXXX-dio)
Skills offered: testing, some compiling, some scripting
Contact: Puppy Linux Forum [[ dio444]], irc gnu-dio on,
email renegade4dio at, renegade444 at
Misc Info: I can (and will at any opportunity) test on multiple machines from
CD, USB flash, and HDD. I can also compile and package, but my skills are not
great. I can also bash script, but again my skills are not great.

**Lobster (a.k.a. [[CrustyLobster]])**
Skills offered: maintaining 4.4CE wiki page, artwork, testing
Contact: Puppy Linux Forum [[ Lobster]], email (ed.jason at, twitter (tmxxine)

Skills offered: HTML
Contact: Puppy Linux Forum [[ raffy]]

**Scott Onsum**
Version of Puppy: 4.3
Hardware: Toshiba Portege 7020CT
Skills offered: Tester
Contact: email scottonsum at
Misc Info: Not very good at Linux in general, but I'd love to help anyway possible!

Interest/skill - Research: I fall over all sorts of bits that seem useful, browsing the web, when not chasing down spammers.
Hardware: Loads, though not all usable/working or space/time to fix.
Current Puppy: 214R on IBM T30, Virtual 214v9 by playdayz on P4 2.6Ghz coreduo.
Contact: Puppy Linux Forum [[ Aitch]], email (henry_cox47 at
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