Revision [1073]

This is an old revision of Puppy44 made by CrustyLobster on 2009-09-15 14:53:06.


". . . after 4.3 is released, we have to discuss who will coordinate 4.4. I would prefer to get back onto Woof core development and some other things. I was wondering, perhaps our old "community edition" model should be looked at again." Barry K



I could probably do at least the first couple 4.4.x releases if no one else steps up Technosaurus


4.3.1 will be a bug-fix release Forum thread
4.3.2 (Alpha 2 of 4.4) Upgrade ALSA to 1.0.21a, Upgrade, Transmission added, AdBlock Plus or MonkeyMenu in Seamonkey

Murga Forum for latest announcements
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