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Kernel versions:

Release announcement:


<b>Puppy Linux 4.2 Features</b>
<br />
<li>choice of <u>two</u> window managers, <i>IceWM</i> and <i>JWM</i>, with extra themes including Clearlooks Gtk+2 theme engine;</li>
<li>optimized <i>SeaMonkey 1.1.15</i> web browser with <i>MonkeyMenu</i> extension;</li>
<li>efficient management with <i>Puppy Control Panel</i>;</li>
<li>stay informed with <i>Pwidgets</i> continuously running desktop programs (clock, weather, battery, wireless, calender, RSS feed, slideshow, and many more);</li>
<li>audiophiles will be pleased with <i>AlsaPlayer</i> and <i>Pmusic</i> for audio entertainment using the latest audio codecs for .flac, .ogg, and .mp3 files, and, alsa-lib-1.0.19;</li>
<li>access to Internet radio using <i>streamtuner</i>;</li>
<li>full-screen video playback with <i>Gxine</i> supported by flashplayer-;</li>
<li>essential communication via <i>SeaMonkey Mail</i> e-mail client, <i>Meebo</i> web chat, <i>Psip</i> VoIP and instant messaging client, and <i>XChat</i> IRC client;</li>
<li>office productivity enhanced with <i>AbiWord</i> word processor, <i>Gnumeric</i> spreadsheet editor, <i>HomeBank</i> personal accounting, <i>Osmo</i> personal organizer, and <i>Xpad</i> sticky notes;</li>
<li>spritely image viewer <i>GPicView</i> with slideshow capability;</li>
<li>super-quick archive management with <i>Xarchiver</i>;</li>
<li>enhanced boot-up and shutdown procedures with extra options at shutdown;</li>
<li>elegant, graphical boot loader using gfx-boot;</li>
<li>superior live-CD/DVD re-mastering with Remaster Xpress (<i>RemaX</i>);</li>
<li>easy access to downloads facilitated with <i>Puppy Download Accelerator</i> and <i>Transmission</i> BitTorrent client</li>
<li>programming versatility with tcl/tk, Glade, and freeBASIC;</li>
<li>new games;</li>
<li>free, live technical support - just click on the <i>chat</i> icon on the desktop;</li>
<b>The Puppy Linux 4.2 Team</b>
The team is comprised of <u>all</u> those who have participated, often at <u>great</u> cost.
<b>Project Co-ordinator</b>: Warren Willson (WhoDo)
<b>Project Consultant</b>: Barry Kauler (BarryK)
<b>Project Lead Developers</b>: Jeff (ttuuxxx), Sigmund (Zigbert), Will (Hairywill), David (pa_mcclamrock), Jeremy (Pizzasgood)
<b>Project Developers</b>: 01micko, Aragon, CatDude, coolpup, Dougal, droope, ecube, esmourguit, JebaJQ8, Jrb, Kirk, Mark Ulrich (MU), MinHundHettePerro, Patriot, rerwin, Tasmod, Technosaurus, Tempestuous, Trio, WhoDo
<b>Project Documentation</b>: coolpup
<b>Project Publicity</b>: Ed Jason (Lobster)
<b>Project Hosting</b>: Eric (Caneri), Mark Ulrich (MU), Previously known as Guest
<b>Project Pre-release Testers</b>: All of the above plus 8-bit, `f00, Aitch, ags, alex12, athanasios, Béèm, big_bass, bigbeck, brymway, capoverde, Cb88, Christopher, cthisbear, d4p, DaveS, davesurrey, daklander, darrelljon, dejan555, cretsiah, Doglover, Dogone, drongo, ecomoney, edoc, ferikenagy, Flash, Flash858, gerry, Greatnessguru, growler, Harry1949, hillside, himajin, hxc, ICPUG, jabu2, jakfish, jamesbond, jcoder24, Jim1911, JMX, keef, liberomureddu, Libretto100ct, linuxcbon, mawebb88, Max Headroom, mikeb, Minnesota, Muggins, NathanO, nic2109, panzerpuppy, PaulBx1, pedropajanito, pitape, playdayz, Ray MK, Roy, sata80, scheck.r, seeker, slippycurb, smooth, SouthPaws, steve_s, straypup, Terryphi, TheBlackSheep, tom4jesus, Tom Raft, trapster, tronkel, Tui, twointo1, WB7ODYFred, Wellesfargo, William (Dthdealer), WN2A, XiaolinDraconis, yim, yvonne, zygo<br />
<br />
<a title="internal2" name="internal2"></a>
<b>New software </b>
<a href="">bcrypt-1.1</a> <a href="">.PET 12KB</a>, <a href="">conky-1.6.1</a>, <a href="">fontconfig-2.6.0</a> <a href="">.PET 126KB</a>, <a href="">gpicview-0.1.11</a> <a href="">.PET 43KB</a>, <a href="">gutenprint-5.2.3</a>, hotrox-0.1 .PET 21KB, <a href="">htop-0.8.1</a> <a href="">.PET 38KB</a>, libsamplerate-0.1.2 .PET, ""[[Parcellite]]"", <a href="">refreshmenus</a> <a href="">.PET 2KB</a>, remax-4.2 .PET, <a href="">roxrightclicks-0.8.2</a> <a href="">.PET 60KB</a>, <a href="">transmission-1.50</a> <a href="">.PET 235KB</a>, <a href="">xarchiver-0.5.2</a> <a href=""> </a><a href="">.PET</a>, <a href="">xchat-2.8.6</a> <a href="">.PET 687KB</a>, <a href="">xpad-2.14</a><br />
<br />
<b>New or upgraded 'P' series programs</b>
<a href="">pbackup-3.1.5</a> 33KB, <a href="">pburn-2.2.2</a> 64KB, pcp-1.0, <a href="">pcursorsel-0.1</a> 2KB, <a href="">petget-420</a> 24KB, <a href="">pfilesearch-1.11</a> 8KB, <a href="">pfind-4.7</a> 15KB, <a href="">pmetatagger-2.1</a> 12KB, <a href="">pmusic-0.5.4</a> 19KB, <a href="">precord</a> <1KB, <a href="">pschedule-0.6</a> 5KB, <a href="">ptray-0.5</a> 9KB, <a href="">pwget</a>, <a href="">pwidgets-2.0.6-4</a> 221KB, <a href="">pwireless-0.8.4</a> 5KB<br />
<br />
<b>Upgraded software</b>
<a href="">abiword-2.6.6</a> <a href="">.PET 3980KB</a>, alsa-lib-1.0.19, <a href="">axel-2.3</a> <a href="">.PET 23KB</a>, <a href="">cups-1.4b3</a> <a href="">.PET 2549KB</a>, <a href="">dosfstools-3.0.1</a> <a href="">.PET 53KB</a>, <a href="">flashplayer-</a> <a href="">.PET 2982KB</a>, <a href="">freetype-2.3.8</a>, <a href="">gadmin-rsync-0.1.1</a>, <a href="">galculator-1.3.3</a> <a href="">.PET 66KB</a>, <a href="">gdmap-0.8.1</a> <a href="">.PET 27KB</a>, <a href="">geany-0.16</a> <a href="">.PET 745KB</a>, <a href="">gftp-2.0.19</a> <a href="">.PET 153KB</a>, <a href="">gnumeric-1.8.4</a> <a href="">.PET 7.2MB</a>, <a href="">gphoto2-2.4.4</a>, <a href="">gxine-0.5.903</a>, <a href="">homebank-4.0.2</a> , <a href="">isomaster-1.3.5</a> <a href="">.PET 75KB</a>, <a href="">lame-3.98.2</a> <a href="">.PET 250KB</a> <a href="">DEV.PET 142KB</a>, <a href="">libdvdcss-1.2.10</a> <a href="">.PET 34KB</a>, <a href="">libgphoto2-2.4.4</a> <a href="">.PET 731KB</a>, <a href="">libpng-1.2.34</a>, <a href="">libsndfile-1.0.18</a> <a href="">.PET 181KB</a> <a href="">DEV.PET 191KB</a>, <a href="">mtpaint-3.30</a> <a href="">.PET 269</a>, <a href="">mtr-0.75</a>, <a href="">ntfs-3g-2009.2.1</a> <a href="">.PET 142KB</a>, <a href="">seamonkey-1.1.15</a>, <a href="">trash-0.3.3</a> <a href="">.PET 18KB</a>, <a href="">vorbis-tools-1.2.0</a> <a href="">.PET 47KB</a>, <a href="">wallpaper-0.5.3</a> <a href="">.PET 10KB</a>, <a href="">wget-1.11.4</a> <a href="">.PET 96KB</a>

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