Revision [26325]

This is an old revision of NoobHelp made by darkcity on 2013-02-26 10:35:42.



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New Users - Getting Started

DO NOT try and 'upgrade' from Lucid or an earlier Puppy Linux. They are not compatible. You should start with a fresh install

Ok let's get Puppy . . .
Move any essential files to storage media eg. backup bookmarks
InstallationIndex Download and burn the ISO (make sure you know how to do this)
Boot and run from CD/DVD

Now first run
I do this because I will have a previous save file and do not want to boot with that config

How does Slacko compare with other Puppy versions?
I sent a pm to Mick congratulating on the release of Slacko 5.3, but would also like to do it publicly.
Personally, I was impressed by Mick's even temperament, patience and persistent enthusiasm.

Our three main Puppys are Slacko, Lucid and Wary. Slacko is designed for newer computers, six or seven years old.
Wary is a conservative design for older hardware, Lucid puppy526 Puppy 528 in use but being phased out, for Ubuntu fans is a mature well supported Puppy.
Quirky and Racy are used by Barry Kauler, the original creator of Puppy, to test new ideas.
Saluki is beginning to emerge as our potential next release.
Dpup (Puppy + Debian) is designated as Puppy 6, currently being developed by Dejan555, Iguleder, Pemasu and Sickgut.
Future Puppy will offer x86, PARM ARM and 64 bit versions and have support for tablet, phone, touch, cloud and Android features

Absolute noobs

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