{{include tonguesMoManager}} [[HomePage]] >[[ComponentHowTo Components and HowTos]] > [[NativeLanguageSupport Language Support]] {{image url="http://bkhome.org/fossil/woof2.cgi/logo" title="text" alt="text" width="64"}} ====""MoManager""==== ~**""MoManager""** is a GUI application written by [[BarryK Barry Kauler]]. It very easy for anyone to create non-English translations for applications in Puppy. You must have a Puppy built from a [[Woof]] version later than February 6, 2012. --- ~""MoManager"" is for creating and updating translation files for scripts, XML files and menu files. Scripts are applications that are text files, usually written in [[Bash]] or [[Ash]]. The first release of ""MoManager"" only handles scripts, specifically, scripts that employ the 'gettext' method of translation -- stay tuned for enhancements. --- ~For more information [[http://bkhome.org/fossil/woof2.cgi/artifact/60cd815002b4de659f1c37459b4974512793a015 HOWTO internationalize applications (towards bottom)]] ==Also On the Wiki== ~[[NativeLanguageSupport Language Support]] ==Related Webpages== ~[[http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=81259 MoManager language packs thread]] ---- ==Categories== CategoryMultilingual CategoryEnglish