Wiki source for LupuLibre

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~""LupuLibre"" is a variant of Lucid Puppy, with final releases of each series of [[LibreOffice]] built in. ""LibreOffice"" is also included as SFS packages in the ""LupuPlus"" variants, for ease of upgrading to new ""LibreOffice"" releases.
~For more information and downloads, see the [[ Lucid Puppy Revitalized as - July, 2015]] thread.
~The original version of ""LupuLibre"" was Puppy Lucid 528.005 with [[LibreOffice LibreOffice 3.5.2]] built in. See the Lucid thread if you want to add it to your current installation. For fresh install download and use appropriate [[InstallationIndex install]] method.
~For more information see [[ Puppy 5.2.8 Lucid thread]]

~lupulibre-, lupusuper2libre- and lupusuper4libre- - download from related links at [[ Lucid Puppy Revitalized as - July, 2015]]
~lupulibre-528-005 - [[ lupulibre-528.005-1.iso download]]
~Checksum: ##9f1154bdeccdd49b7db66a1afb9fa902##

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