Revision [20957]
This is an old revision of LucidDevelopers made by darkcity on 2012-03-05 05:08:47.
Lucid Developers
Chief developer of the Lucid Puppy series - 01mickoHonored developers of Lucid 5.2.8 - rerwin and zigbert
Honored developers of Lucid 5.2.5 - ttuuxxx and radky
Honored developer of Lucid 5.2 - shinobar
Contributing developers - dejan555, iguleder, radky, tasmod, tazoc, coolpup, rhadon, smil99
Contributors - Jim1911, James C, JustGreg, CatDude, pa_mcclamrock, Tasgarth, ecube, gjuhasz, pemasu, Béèm, rhadon, rjbrewer , stu90, nooby, Lobster, 8-bit, tubeguy, prehistoric, smokey01, DaveS, Snail, aarf, gerry, Billtoo, darwinev0lved, Minnesota, Eyes-Only, enhu, rcrsn51, scsijon, ICPUG, Abnormalter, Stripe, gur, sata80, scruffy, live, alec78,Jades, jpeps, ilanrab, flexxx, don570, Bigpup, mikeslr, einar, scsijon, phdzaps, Sylvander, sszindian, yarddog, morgonzola, jinx100, mave, jbv, acrocosm, gcmartin, Bert, peebee, scsijon, cthisbear, sm6lod, mikeslr, Gyle,Terryphi, maxpro4u, Jemimah, technosaurus, tempestuous, PaulBx1, rcrsn51, and BarryK
Coordinator - playdayz
(apologies for the incompleteness of the list, add to wiki if missed - Thank you all)