Revision [9302]
This is an old revision of LiveDVD made by coolpup on 2010-09-13 16:35:53.
- access an optical disc drive with writing capability (with the logos RW and/or ReWritable on the drive tray)
- acquire a blank optical disc (DVD is preferable since it has a superior specification than CD)
- write (burn) the ISO file to the blank optical disc
How to blank a re-writable optical disc
If the optical disc is new then, obviously, there is nothing to blank.
Within Puppy Linux
- go to: Menu > Multimedia > Pburn
- use the free program ImgBurn
How to write (burn) the ISO file to a blank optical disc
When using the software writer, either Burniso2cd, BurnCDCC or ImgBurn, always select:
- Write speed of 4x to ensure that data is written properly
Within Puppy Linux
- go to: Menu > Multimedia > Burniso2cd
Within Microsoft Windows
Use either (a) or (b), both free programs
(a) BurnCDCC (simple)
- Direct download recommended for beginners: BURNCDCC.EXE
- After the single file has downloaded left-click on it to run
When the optical disc has finished being written to, re-boot the computer with the optical disc remaining in the optical disc drive. When the computer starts up it should load Puppy Linux; if it does not then you will need to follow the instructions in Appendices 1 to 3 below. (Free Technical Support)
When running Puppy from optical disc any additional software or data may be saved to any other partition or onto the same optical disc for which one would need to create a MultiSessionLiveDVD.