~Use one of the following ways to create a new wiki page:- ~~1. Type the name of the page after ##""http://puppylinux.org/wikka/""## ie. ##""http://puppylinux.org/wikka/mynewpage""## ~~2. Click on a 'seed link' (one with a [[dotty dotted under score]]) - you will be prompt to create a page. ~~3. Add a 'seed link' to a page, save page and then click the 'seed link'. Seed links can be created by using [[Docs:CamelCase CamelCase]] or by using double square brackets ie. ##""MyNewPage""## or ##""[[mynewpage]]""## ~~4. Type the name of your page is this box: {{newpage}} ([[Docs:CamelCase CamelCase only]]) ~Note: ~~-It is worth searching the wiki to ensure your topic hasn't alreay been included. ~~-Please include a category at the bottom of your page and or breadcrumbs so that the page is linked with rest of wiki. ~~-You must have [[GetAnAccount registered and be logged in]].