[[HomePage]] > [[SoftwareIndex Software Index]] > [[SoftwareDesktop Desktop]] ====""GtkHash""==== ~**""GtkHash""** a GTK+ utility for testing [[MessageDigests message digests]] or [[checksums]]. Currently supported hash functions include MD5, MD6, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, RIPEMD, TIGER and WHIRLPOOL. Uses [[mhash]] libraries. ==Installation== ~""GtkHash"" is built into Puppy 5.2x Lucid go to: ~//PuppyMenu > Utilities > Utilities > ""GtkHash""// ~It is available for Puppy 5.3 Slacko as part of a LupufySlacko package. ==Also see== ~[[http://gtkhash.sourceforge.net/ GtkHash project page]] ---- ==Categories== CategorySoftware