{{include tonguesPuppy54}} [[FrHomePage accueil]] > [[FrPuppyVersionIndex|Puppy Versions]] > [[FrPuppy5Index Puppy5]] {{image url="http://korzh.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Puppy_Linux_logo.png" width="100" title="Slacko homepage" alt="Slacko homepage"}} {{include pagesFrSlacko}} ====Slacko 5.4==== ~**Slacko 5.4** la version succédant à [[FrPuppy533 Slacko 5.3.3]]. ---- //svp continuer à traduire ici:// ~Built with the latest [[Woof]] from Slackware 14.0 binary packages. ==Screenshot== ~{{image url="http://01micko.com/simg/capture1.jpg" link="http://01micko.com/simg/capture1.jpg" title="screenshot" alt="screenshot" width="200"}} ==Installation== ~To install download an appropriate ISO and use the desired [[InstallationIndex installation method]]. There are 2 iso images, one supports up to 4G RAM and one supports up to 64G RAM ([[PAE]]) ~[[http://01micko.com/download.html download page]] ==Features== ~New [[SFS]] Manager ~New Updates Manager - to get the latest Slackware security fixes ~New kernels following LTS branches ~Improved graphics support, with KMS and Mesa ~Proprietary video driver upgrades available for Nvidia and AMD/ATI graphics ~Internationalization improvements ==Related Webpages== ~[[http://01micko.com/slacko14.html Slacko 5.4 Homepage]] ~[[http://distro.ibiblio.org/puppylinux/puppy-5.4/release-Slacko-5.4.htm Release notes]] ~[[http://bkhome.org/blog2/?viewDetailed=00054 Annoucement on Barry's Blog]] ~[[http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=82650 Slacko-5.4 feedback and bug reports]] ---- ==Catergories== CategoryPuppies [[CategoryFr Catégorie français]]