{{include tonguesDependency}} [[HomePage]] > [[ComponentHowTo Components and HowTos]] ====Dependency==== A **dependency ** is a required extra package for a program to run. It may be added by an installer or [[PPM|package manager]]. If not they can be installed 'manually'. They are usually libraries of code or programs accessories. A program can have multiple dependencies, and the dependencies can have dependencies too, and so on. Common dependencies may be included in the Linux distribution. Sometimes they are omitted for various reasons, for example increasing the size for the base distribution. In Puppy Linux, being a minimalist light size distribution, it is very common to have to find dependencies of programs that are not typically offered in the repositories or in the forums, so the package manager includes a tool to detect and download the dependencies along with the main program. Although it is possible to offer a single package that includes major program agencies, many compilers and developers choose to offer these components separately for easy downloading via slow connections, or to give the user the option to install only the components that known to be absent in your system. So, it is always advisable to research what the dependencies of the program to be installed and verify that you have enough space for the installation. Not all dependencies are absolutely necessary, some additional support only certain functions or visual effects that extend the features of the program itself. Now that disk space is much cheaper have dynamic linked to libraries may be an unnecessary complication. An alternative is for a program to include all its dependencies in its own package, which is called static linking. This may mean have multiple copies of some libraries, however it makes the program more portable. ---- ==Categories== [[CategorySoftware]]