{{include tonguesDebianHelp}} [[Homepage]] > [[PuppyVersionIndex Puppy Version]] > [[Dpup]] ====Debian Help==== ~This page is to assist someone familiar with Puppy and starting out using a Puppyfied Debian, such as [[DebianDog]] or [[PussyLinux]]. ==Package management== ~""DebianDog"" uses Debian repositories and can use [[package]] managers apt-get ([[commandline]]) and Synaptic ([[graphical]]). --- ~Synaptic the graphical package manager can be found at: ~~##PuppyMenu > System > Synaptic## --- ~**apt-get** has many features, this simple example updates the package list and installs [[commandline|rdate]]: ~~%%(bash) apt-get update apt-get install rdate %% **See also** ~[[DEB]] - Debian package ~[[SFS]] - compressed filesystem, often used to install large packages ==Useful file and folder locations== - [[fstab]] - configuration file that can be used to automatically mount harddrive [[partitions]], see [[https://wiki.debian.org/fstab fstab (Debian)]] - [[Firefox]] profile at ##/opt/bin/Firefox/## rather than ##~/.mozilla/firefox/## ---- ==Categories== CategoryTutorial CategoryIndex