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How to Create a New Wiki Page

New to the wiki? Please visit first the WikiStyleGuide for an overview of how wiki pages are structured.

Use one of the following ways to create a new wiki page:-
1. Type the name of the page after http://wikka.puppylinux.com/ ie. http://wikka.puppylinux.com/mynewpage
2. Click on a 'seed link' (one with a dotted under score) - you will be prompt to create a page.
3. Add a 'seed link' to a page, save page and then click the 'seed link'. Seed links can be created by using CamelCase or by using double square brackets ie. MyNewPage or mynewpage

It is worth searching the wiki to ensure your topic hasn't already been included.
Please include a category at the bottom of your page and or breadcrumbs so that the page is linked with rest of wiki.
You must have registered and be logged in.

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