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[[HomePage]] > [[ComponentHowTo Components and HowTos]]

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==== Component and ""HowTo"" Index ====
~This Page contains information and 'how-to' guides about the different components of Puppy Linux,
~(for information about Wiki see [[WikiIndex Wiki Index]]).


**Installing Puppy OS**
~-[[About|What is Puppy?]]
~-[[WhatPuppyLinuxIsBestForYou|Which Puppy?]]
~-[[BootIndex|Booting (Start up)]]

**""RaspberryPi"" and ARM Resources**
~-[[PARM]] Puppy on ARM

**Using programs**
~-[[Software Installing Software]]
~-[[HowToMultimedia How To Multimedia]]

**OS and Software**
~-[[PuppyVersionInformation|How to find the Puppy Version]]
~-[[PuppyState|How to find the Puppy State]]
~-[[FineTuneBrowser|How to fine tune Web browser]]
~-[[HowToUninstall|How to Uninstall software]]
~-[[Internet Internet Tools]]
~-[[MicrosoftWindowsUserHowTo|Microsoft Windows User How To (Win XP)]]

~-[[HowToDetectDevices|Detect Devices]]
~-[[CompatibleDevicesUSB|Compatible USB Devices]]
~-[[WhatPuppyLinuxIsBestForYou (Post USB 2.0)|USB2 and slower media]]
~-[[USB3 USB3 Support]]
~-[[Psync]] - set time via internet

~-[[PuppyOnLaptops|Configuring Puppy on Laptops ]]
~-[[EeePc|Puppy on Asus Eee Pc]]
~-[[NetbookSetup|EeePc Setup]]

~-[[BatteryMonitoring|Battery Monitoring]]
~-[[Laptop|Extend Laptop Battery Life]]
~-[[Suspend|Suspend Puppy]]
~-[[CPUScaling|CPU scaling mod]]


~-[[Architecture]] - processor and motherboard type
~-[[FirstRun]] - Program run on first run
~-[[FileManagers File Manager]]
~-[[FileTypes Files Types]]
~-[[FontIndex Fonts]]
~-[[GuiIndex Graphic User Interface]] - window managers etc.
~-[[InputDevices Input Devices]] - mouse/keyboard etc.
~-[[NativeLanguageSupport Language Support]]
~-[[RootFs Linux Directory Structure]]
~-[[Storage|Memory and Storage]]
~-[[PrintersScanners Printers and Scanners]]
~-[[SoundSystem Sound system]]
~-[[Video Video Driver]]

~-[[LinuxPartitionRepair How to repair disk partitions]]
~-[[SaveFile Save File]] - part of the filesystem ([[Frugal]] install)
~-[[AUFS]] - utility that creates [[RootFs]] ([[Frugal]] install)
~-[[FileTypes Files Types]]

~-[[TutorialYouTube Tutorial Videos]]

~-[[CommandLine Command Line]] - Command line and terminal info
~-[[CompilingIndex Compiling]]
~-[[HowToProgramming Programming]]
~-[[Woof]] - build your own version of Puppy


==Also on the Wiki==
~[[Bug Trackers|]] - record of OS and Software bugs
~[[PuppyVersionInformation Display information about your Puppy Version]]
~[[TutorialYouTube Tutorial Videos]]
~[[PuppyLinuxSearchEngine Better Search]]
~[[FrequentlyAskedQuestions FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions]]
~[[How Puppy Works|]]
~[[Organizations]] about the projects and foundations involved with open source

==Related Pages==
~[[ Common Commands Reference Card]]
~[[ Index of resources for Beginners Help forum]]
~[[ Bruce B Puppy Links page]]
~[[ How to un/install a Pet file from the command line thread]]
~[[ Script to control laptops backlight settings]]
~[[ Which part of file system to store user's stuff? thread]]
~[[ Basic Linux Filesystems tutorial : ext2,ext3,ext4,JFS & XFS (nextstep4it)]]

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