Revision [33595]

This is an old revision of CategorySoftwareTopPackages made by coolpup on 2024-03-15 15:46:36.


The following 107 page(s) belong to CategorySoftwareTopPackages

abcde [abcde] alsalib [alsa-lib] alsautils [alsa-utils] aqualung [Aqualung] audacious [Audacious] audacity [Audacity]
avidemux [Avidemux] cairo [cairo] ccrypt [ccrypt] cifsutils [cifs-utils] clamav [ClamAV] cmake [cmake]
cmus [cmus] curl [curl] deadbeef [deadbeef] dhcpcd [dhcpcd] digikam [digiKam] dosfstools [dosfstools]
e2fsprogs [e2fsprogs] efax [efax] ekiga [ekiga] fbreader [FBReader] ffmpeg [FFmpeg] flac [FLAC]
fontconfig [fontconfig] fonts [Font links] fotoxx [Fotoxx] freetype [FreeType] gcc [GNU Compiler Collection] geany [geany]
geeqie [Geeqie] gimp [GIMP] glib [glib] gnupg [GNU Privacy Guard] gnutls [GnuTLS] gogglesmm [gogglesmm]
grep [grep] gthumb [gThumb] gzip [GNU Gzip] handbrake [HandBrake] htop [htop] httpseverywhere [HTTPS Everywhere]
icecat [GNU IceCat] imagination [Imagination] Inkscape [Inkscape] keepnote [KeepNote] krita [krita] leafpad [Leafpad]
libburn [libburn] libdrm [libdrm] libogg [libogg] libreoffice [LibreOffice] libusb [libusb] libvpx [libvpx]
libxml2 [libxml2] linux-libre [GNU Linux-libre] lyx [LyX] make [make] mesa [Mesa] mhwaveedit [mhwaveedit]
mp3splt [mp3splt] mpg123 [mpg123] mplayer [MPlayer] Mypaint [Mypaint] noscript [NoScript] ntfs3g [NTFS-3G]
nut [NUT] openssl [openssl] opus [opus] opustools [opus-tools] parcellite [Parcellite] pidgin [Pidgin]
pixman [pixman] poppler [Poppler] porteus [Porteus GNU/Linux] priv3 [Priv3] pulseaudio [PulseAudio] pvideo [pvideo]
qpdfview [qpdfview] remmina [Remmina] rssowl [RSSOwl] rsync [rsync] rufus [Rufus] Scribus [Scribus]
SoftMakerOffice [SoftMaker Office] spacefm [SpaceFM] sqlite [SQLite] stellarium [Stellarium] syslinux [The Syslinux Project] tar [tar]
teamtalk [teamtalk] ted [Ted] tellico [Tellico] testdisk [TestDisk] tor [How to install and use Tor for network privacy] torchat [TorChat]
transmission [Transmission] truecrypt [TrueCrypt] unrar [unrar] util-linux [util-linux] virtualbox [VirtualBox] watchtowerlibrary [watchtowerlibrary]
wine [WINE] xchat [X-Chat] xf86videoati [xf86-video-ati] yt-dlp [yt-dlp] zlib [zlib]

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