Revision [15975]

This is an old revision of CategoryGUI made by darkcity on 2011-06-24 09:10:01.


The following 53 page(s) belong to CategoryGUI

AddPanel [Add Panel to Puppy]
AfterStep [Afterstep]
AppsDesktop [.desktop files]
ChangeWindowManager [How to Change Window Manager]
Compiz [Compiz window manager]
Configure PuppyMenu [Configure PuppyMenu (JWM)]
desktop [Desktop]
DesktopApplicationIntegration [Desktop Application Integration]
DesktopEnvironments [Desktop Environments]
DesktopIcons [Desktop Icons]
DialogBoxes [Dialog Box generators]
Dwm [Dwm]
Echinus [Echinus]
EDE [Equinox Desktop (EDE)]
enlightenment [Enlightenment]
fbpanel [FbPanal]
FileManagers [File Managers]
fluxbox [Fluxbox]
Gnome [Gnome]
GuiIndex [Graphic User Interface (GUI) Index]
icewm [IceWM]
InternetMediaTypes [Internet Media Types]
JoesWindowManager [JWM Installation and further information]
jwm [JWM About]
JWMElements [JWM Configure Elements]
JWMTesting [JWM Testing]
lxde [LXDE]
Mate [Mate]
MenuEntryMaker [MenuEntryMaker]
MicrosoftMIMETypes [Microsoft Office MIME Types]
Openbox [OpenBox]
OpenboxExtra [OpenBox + Extras]
Panels [Panels]
PekWM [pekwm]
PShutdown [PupShutdown and Pshutdown]
PupApps [PupApps]
PupClockSet [PupClockset]
PuppyMenu [Puppy Menu]
PuppyMessage [Puppy Message]
Refresh PuppyMenu [Refresh PuppyMenu (JWM)]
RoxApplicationDirectory [ROX Application Directories (ROX-App-Dirs)]
ROXfiler [ROX Filer]
RoxMiniBuffer [ROX Filer - Mini-Buffer]
tint2 [tint2]
VirtualDesktops [Virtual Destops Workspaces]
WbarInstall [Wbar]
WindowManagers [Window Managers]
WindowManagersEffects [Window Managers with Special Effects]
WMSwitcher [Window Manager Switcher]
X [X Window System]
xfce [Xfce]
Xlib [Xlib]

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