The following 25 page(s) belong to CategoryFileManager

deb [Deb] DirectoryStructure [Further information on the Linux directory structure (RootFS)] emelfm2 [emelFM2] fstab [fstab]
HowtoAddSFStoFullInstall [How to Add a SFS file to a Full Installation] LinuxPartitionRepair [How to repair disk partitions] MidnightCommander [Midnight Commander] Mounting [Mounting]
multimedia [Multimedia Filetypes] RootFs [Linux Directory Structure (RootFS)] ROXfiler [ROX Filer] RoxMiniBuffer [ROX Filer - Mini-Buffer]
SoftwareFilesystem [File-System Software Index] spacefm [SpaceFM] Startmount [Startmount] SwapFileManager [Swap File Manager]
symlink [Symlink] tgz [Tgz] thunar [Thunar] TuxCommander [Tux Commander]
txz [Txz] vifm [vifm] Worker [Worker software package(s)] xfe [Xfe]
xfm [xfm]

Comment by darkcity
2012-08-17 08:59:21
should be updated to FileSystem to be a more inclusive category?
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