{{include LinuxTmxxineMenu}} {{image class="center" alt="Buddha" image url="http://img373.imageshack.us/img373/6762/yinnq8.png" link="http://youtu.be/rwrQfaxyDRY"}} //"YAP is awesome! Thanks for your work."// == YAP sets up a virtual Buddhist Shrine == **runs on Puppy 5.4** {{image url="http://thehappysnappershideout.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/zen-doggie_thumb.jpg" title="yin yang puppy" alt="yin yang puppy" link="http://youtu.be/0sWF4_Rky1Q"}} === Latest News === New 2.1 version for Slacko Puppy 5.3.1 - It is now 41 MB (but that means it can be used off line for permenant 'prayer wheel alter' in background) Pet not yet available so just drag the file into the zip icon and change the permissions of YAP-21 and run New version coming any lifetime soon . . . **New for YAP v2.1 Oct 20 2011** Buddha images link for desktop and devotional reminder 1 and 10 minute meditations added media player changed zensound link added HTML help info updated The practices are in swf format (flash format) So . . . you will need to install flash (easy from Quickpet or Slickpet) I set this up for an Asus eeepc netbook powered shrine OM YA HA HUM {{image url="http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk246/w8ing4it/Bhuddihuahua.jpg" title="text" alt="text" link="http://youtu.be/0sWF4_Rky1Q"}} "" "" **[[http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=167991#167991 DOWNLOAD INFO]]** {{image class="center" alt="Buddha" image url="http://theosophywatch.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/buddhadog22.jpg" link="http://youtu.be/0sWF4_Rky1Q"}} **What is YAP?** Sets up a Customised Puppy in this case a **Virtual Buddhist Shrine** powered by images and chanting to use as a meditative focal point {{image class="center" alt="Buddha" image url="http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/5946/yapbeta1ve9.jpg" link="http://youtu.be/0sWF4_Rky1Q"}} **What does YAP do?** plays sounds to begin and end meditation play videos provide info runs a chant 'tele-prompt' runs meditations {{image class="left" alt="Weeping Buddha" image url="http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/1204/b1yq0.jpg" link="http://youtu.be/0sWF4_Rky1Q"}} **What if I run Microsoft Windows?** Heretic. We believe the wooden 'Weeping Buddha' in the pic is a Windows User **Why is it called YAP?** Maybe it should be called 'Yam along a ding dong'? YAP is a tribute to Barry Kauler and the Puppy Linux developers YAP is the mantra or sound a young dog (Puppy) makes when venerating the Buddha Y.A.P. = ""YinYana"" Alter Program **Can I modify it to use Christian, Pagan or Spaghetti Monster images or to promote my group?** Yes as long as you provide the source code So you could use it to promote your favourite charity, cybercafe or pet interest . . . swf files can be created in open office or wink videos can be created on your camera and added A front end introducing your puplet is easy to provide . . . or you can just meditate . . . Just click on YAP and it runs the script can be edited in Geany **You wrote: "...a Buddhist ISO for running shrines, consecrating hardware..."** //I'm very curious about this phrase. Are you actually using Linux software to assist in religious sense, in that you're performing some kind of ritual on the hardware itself? Or are you using a metaphor to describe the installation of a Linux system on a computer which previously ran proprietary software? The reason I ask: As a Christian, I am familiar with the concept of consecrating a "thing" for religious use (consecrating a church organ for use, as an example). And I'm quite familiar with setting up computer labs in churches which run Linux... which I suppose could be considered a kind of "consecration". I was just curious as to the Buddhist aspects. I'm looking forward to your response.// Peace to you, ""PastorEd"" The way something is used denotes the type of attention it attracts. The use of a shrine as a focus for chanting and meditation and the display of Buddhist iconography is both a metaphor for good will and intent, as well as a very real reminder. If the open source software is modified to run Christian themed images and inspiration, it then changes the nature of the interaction. From a Buddhist perspective any organ used skilfully to relieve suffering, is a Great Blessing. :-) {{image class="left" alt="Buddha" image url="http://img293.imageshack.us/img293/4598/y7yf9.jpg" link="http://youtu.be/0sWF4_Rky1Q"}} **What are the goals of YAP?** To provide an easy to alter inspiration for your projects **How was it made?** I decided to use ready made Youtube videos, which I downloaded and converted into swf using this service: http://vixy.net/ **What Puppy versions has it been tested on?** I have tried it in Puppy 5.3, 2.17, Pupeee and Dingo In full screen in 2.17 there is a flicker every few seconds which is gone in Puppy Dingo Your hardware may be different {{image url="http://images.jupiterimages.com/common/detail/37/69/22616937.jpg" title="text" alt="text" link="http://youtu.be/0sWF4_Rky1Q"}} **What hardware has it been tested on?** Puppy 5.3 version Asus Eeepc 700 series netbook AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5000+ early versions AMD Durun 1200mz with 512MB ram Pentium 3 laptop with 192MB ram no hard drive (the shrine runner) **How can I autostart YAP?** put program/link in /root/Startup/ (Capital S) Dingo has /root/Startup pre-existing, with an explanatory README **How does YAP 'benefits all Beings'?** It is designed to be easy to alter. You can add videos and sound of your choice [[http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=185153#185153 tutorial]] **Can images and other elements be easily altered?** Videos and sound files can easily be altered %%(bash) #! /bin/bash # YinYana Alter Program GPL v3 License # YAP v 1.8 March 21 008 # created by Lobster for Tmxxine Vision and Sentient Beings Everywhere # With thanks to Barry Kauler, Team Puppy, Mark Ulrich, mcewanw, Warren ################### export Vision=' wavplay sound/cyberspace_1.wav & wavplay sound/cyberspace_2.wav & wavplay sound/tinsha.wav & wavplay sound/gong-burmese.wav & wavplay sound/gong-chinese.wav & echo You selected the quit menu item exit by menu `Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "5 Element Meditation" --msgbox "This will start a simple twenty five minute elemental meditation suitable for universal usage. It is a simple technique. Only regular use will develop mind skills. Used for centuries as an esoteric warrior meditation, it is particulary suited to balance energies and focus and harmonise ones internal component elements. Keep your back straight and your mind attentive. \n\n OM YA HA HUM" 600x0` defaultbrowser file://`pwd`/videos/elements.swf & exit defaultbrowser file://`pwd`/videos/mudra.swf & exit `Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "Vajra" --msgbox "Vajrasattva. vajrasattva samayam anupālaya \n om Vajrasattva! Preserve the bond! \n\n Vajrasattvatvenopati ha \n As Vajrasattva stand before me. \n\n dridho me bhava \n Be firm for me. \n\n sutoshyo me bhava \n Be greatly pleased for me. \n\n suposhyo me bhava \n Deeply nourish me \n\n anurakto me bhava \n Love me passionately \n\n sarva siddhi ma me prayaccha \n Grant me siddhi in all things, \n\n sarvakarmasu ca me citta śreya kuru hūm \n And in all actions make my mind most excellent. hūm \n\n ha ha ha ha ho \n ha ha ha ha ho \n\n bhagavan sarvatathāgatavajra mā me muñka \n Blessed One! Vajra of all the tathāgatas! Do not abandon me. \n\n vajrī bhava mahāsamayasattva āh (hūm phat) \n Be the Vajra-bearer, Being of the Great Bond! āh (hūm phat)" 600x0` defaultbrowser file://`pwd`/videos/vajra.swf & exit defaultbrowser file://`pwd`/html/chant.html & defaultbrowser file://`pwd`/sound/tarafast.swf & defaultbrowser file://`pwd`/videos/taraom.swf & flite "Welcome to Shingon" `Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "Shingon Chant" --msgbox "Shingon. Keep your back straight and your mind attentive. \n\n OM YA HA HUM" 600x0` defaultbrowser file://`pwd`/videos/shingon.swf & exit defaultbrowser file://`pwd`/html/basics.html & defaultbrowser file://`pwd`/html/shrine1.html & `Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "Meditation" --msgbox "Info on Meditation practice. Requires internet connection to view. Keep your mind attentive. \n\n OM YA HA HUM" 600x0` defaultbrowser http://buddhism.kalachakranet.org/meditation_practice.html & `Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "Meditation" --msgbox "Info on Meditation practice. Requires internet connection to view. Keep your mind attentive. \n\n OM YA HA HUM" 600x0` defaultbrowser http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3g4cNJgVwo & exit defaultbrowser file://`pwd`/html/faqs.html & videos/animrainbow.gif ' gtkdialog3 --program Vision unset Vision %% {{image url="http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lx8vq7WwVv1qbzyrbo1_500.jpg" title="text" alt="text" link="http://youtu.be/0sWF4_Rky1Q"}} **[[http://buddhism.kalachakranet.org/meditation_practice.html Meditation]]** Sit quietly and comfortably keeping your back straight if possible. Focus your attention gently on your breathing. Do this for a few minutes a day at first and then extend the time. Do not worry when your attention wanders and thoughts intrude. When you notice this, simply draw your attention back to your breathing. This is the basis of meditation practice. [[http://www.colourlovers.com/blog/2007/08/20/colors-of-religion-buddhism/ Colours of Buddhism]] [[http://thanhsiang.org/faqing/node/86 Slax Linux Live CD for Buddhist language scholars]]