{{include tonguesBootIndex}} [[HomePage]] > [[ComponentHowTo Components and HowTos]] > [[BootIndex Booting]] / [[InstallationIndex Install]] ==== Boot (Start up) Index ==== ~Information about how-to start (start up) the Puppy Linux operating system (OS). --- ~[[BIOS BIOS settings]] - first code run, controls which drives are checked for OSs ~[[TableOfBIOSKeys BIOS Keys]] - Keys pressed at start up to enter BIOS configuration ~[[BootLoaders Boot Loaders]] - software which loads the OS ~[[BootParameters Boot Parameters Introduction]] - information passed to OS at start up ~~[[BootParametersPuppy]] - parameters relating to Puppy ~~[[BootParametersGeneral]] - parameters relating to Linux and its kernel ~~[[BootParametersPuppy1]] - parameters used in the Puppy 1 ~[[BootTimes Boot Times]] ~[[Booting Booting Tips]] ==Also on the Wiki== ~[[init]] - initialization process ~[[Grub4DosConfig]] - GUI frontend ~[[syslinux]] ~[[dmidecode]] - command-line interface tool for B.I.O.S. hardware information ~[[InstallationIndex Installation]] ~[[HowToConfigure Configure]] ~[[PuppyState How to find the Puppy State]] ---- ==Categories== [[CategoryInstallation]] [[CategoryTutorial]]