[[HomePage]] > [[ComponentHowTo Components and HowTos]] > [[FileTypes]] ====""BaseSFS"" / ""PupSFS""==== ~In a [[InstallationFrugal frugal installation]] of Puppy the linux directory structure is contained in a read-only [[SquashFS SFS file]] (also known as ""PupSfs"") . It contains the original configuration of the Puppy version and [[RootFS]]; any changes are stored in a SaveFile. ~For example, the ""BaseSFS"" file in Puppy 5.28 is lupu_528.sfs. ~Only files stored in the ##/mnt## directory will be saved outside the SaveFile. For example, ##/mnt/home## and ##/mnt/sda2## are the root directories of the boot partition and sda2 partition respectively. ==Also see== ~[[How Puppy Works|]] ~[[http://www.puppylinux.com/development/howpuppyworks.html How Puppy Works (PuppyLinux.com)]] ---- ==Categories== CategoryComponent